Number, gender, and person
A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in three ways:Person refers to the quality of being.Number is the quality that distinguishes between singular (one entity) and plural (numerous entities).Gender is the quality that distinguishes the entities as masculine or feminine.
Yesterday’s basketball—victory the crowd was ecstatic guarantees us—a chance at the state title.Yesterday’s—basketball victory the crowd—was ecstatic guarantees us a chance at the state title.Yesterday’s basketball victory the crowd was ecstatic—guarantees us a chance—at the state title.Yesterday’s basketball victory—the crowd was ecstatic—guarantees us a chance at the state title.
"Yesterday's basketball victory - the crowd was ecstatic - guarantees us a chance at the state title."
The dashes should be placed, in the sentence, where there is an "interruption" of thought. That is, where the sentence is somehow interrupted by another sentence. In this way, the dashes should be placed around the phrase "the crowd was ecstatic".
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Verbs can be transitive or intransitive. When they require an object in order to express a complete thought or make sense, they are called transitive (such as bring, convey and throw) but when they do not require an object in order to make sense, they are intransitive (for example, jump, run, sing and wait). Sometimes, however, some verbs can be used as both intransitive and transitive, depending on how they are used in the sentence, like park, which can take an object or not.
In the sentence, there are two verbs: parked and waited.Parked is being used as a transitive verb because it takes an object: the car, while waited, by nature, is an intransitive verb because it does not need to take an object in order to make sense.