Which of the following is NOT a type of angiosperm? dicots tricots monocots none of the above


Answer 1


Tricots .


Angiosperm are define as flowering plants or fruit bearing plant which having ovules developed within an enclosed ovary. Angiosperm divided into two different types based on the nature of the embryo present in the seeds : Monocotyledons (Monocots)  and Dicotylendons (Dicots).

Monocots plants: Monocots plants having seeds with single cotyledon. For example Sugarcane , Maize , wheat etc.

Dicots plants: Dicots plants having seeds with two cotyledons. For example Mango, Sunflower etc.

Answer 2
Answer: Tricots are not a type of angiosperm. 

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the answer is FALSE

Explanation: I already turned in my test so I know that this is the correct answer. because it is caused by conduction NOT  radiation.

the process by which heat or electricity is directly transmitted through a substance when there is a difference of temperature or of electrical potential between adjoining regions, without movement of the material.

The answer is True. The heat is transfered to the pot by radiation.

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Answer:a. The hormones cause the woman's body to mimic the activities of a pregnancy and disrupt the ovarian cycle, preventing ovulation


Pills either as real subtance or synthetic form(Placebo) exhibit effect on ovulation ,by suppressing it thereby mimicking pregnancy.

Since ovulation is suppressed fertilization can not take place,no egg/ovum is released to be fertilized by the sperms.

Final answer:

The pill works by releasing estrogen and progesterone into the body. These hormones prevent ovulation and thicken the mucus plug at the cervix, making it harder for sperm to reach the egg.


The oral contraceptive pill, also known as 'the pill', contains hormones that have two main effects. The first is that they change the hormonal balance in the woman's body, making it behave as if it is already pregnant. That's because the hormones estrogen and progesterone prevent ovulation—the release of an egg from the ovaries. Without an egg to fertilize, pregnancy can't occur.

The second effect is that these hormones change the lining of the womb to make it less likely to accept a fertilized egg, and they thicken the mucus plug at the cervix, making it more difficult for sperm to reach an egg in the uterus. So, the correct answers to your question are a and b.

Learn more about Oral Contraceptive Pill here:



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2. (a) Read through the following passage about mitosis and then completeit by writing the most appropriate word or words in the spaces.
In flowering plants the process of mitosis is restricted to the apical
and to
In growing mammals
mitosis can occur throughout the body.
However, not all regions of the young mammal grow at the same
rate and this is called
In the cell cycle, replication of DNA occurs in the..
after which there is a lag or gap phase, called the
before actual mitosis starts. The chromosomes also replicate before the
onset of mitosis, but this replication is not visible until the middle of the
. stage.
At this stage, each chromosome consists of two
together by a



This question is incomplete  


This question is incomplete but there are some general facts that can be made.

Firstly, mitosis only occurs in meristematic tissue of plants which includes apical and lateral meristems

There are 4 phases in a cell cycle

1) G1 (gap 1) phase: This is the first phase of the cell cycle that has to do with an increase in the size of the cell. Major cellular components duplicate in size here.

2) S-phase: DNA replication occurs here.

3) G2 (gap 2) phase: This is the gap phase that comes after the S-phase. The cell undergoes further growth here and the organelles of the cells are also prepared for cell division.

4) Mitotic phase: There are four stages here

i) prophase: Chromosome condenses and becomes visible at this stage. And there is the emergence of spindle fibre from centrosomes.

ii) metaphase: Spindle fibre develops and sister chromatids are attached to

separate spindle.

iii) anaphase: Cohesin, which holds two sister chromatids (of chromosomes) together, breaks down and are pulled towards opposite poles.

iv) telophase: Chromosomes begins to decondense at opposite poles and actual cell division starts as mitotic spindle breaks down.

NOTE: All possible answers to the question are underlined