What is congestive heart failure


Answer 1
Answer: A chronic condition in which the heart doesn't pump blood as well as it should.

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Conflicts arise when different people have different solutions to a given situation. Conflicts helps in getting the best possible solution.

When a conflict arise first try to understand the nature of the problem, then everyone available should be given chance to explain and justify their solution (this technique is known as Brainstorming). Then all solutions are analysed and questioned by other participants, the solutions with less answers are discarded and finally the best possible solution is available.

Learn more at brainly.com/question/13476492


When a problem arises I can try to use the steps in conflict resolution: define the problem, propose a solution, listen carefully to the other person, agree on shared values, and brainstorm together. We may need to compromise, use arbitration as a solution or a mediator, or agree to disagree.

please make brainliest

Which one of the following choices is most accurate about fat-soluble vitamins?a. They help build collagen and aid in healing.
b. They can cause gastric upset, diarrhea, and kidney stones.
c. They provide no risk of vitamin toxicity.
d. They can be stored in the body.


The answer is letter D.

Fat-soluble vitamins are essential organic substances that are needed by the body in small amounts to be used for normal functions, growth, and maintenance of body tissues. They are not readily excreted and used in the body and are stored in fat cells that can only be tapped when the first source of energy is depleted. These fat-soluble vitamins can be found in plant and animal sources that supply vitamins in the diet and should not be totally eliminated when engaged in weight loss activities.

Using equipment that you haven't been trained on


Utilizing gear that you haven't been prepared on is OK insofar as you're cautious and read the bearings. Individuals utilize new hardware all the ideal opportunity for exercise or exercises subsequent to viewing an instructional exercise on the most proficient method to utilize the gear or perusing the manual.
Using equipment that you haven't been trained on B. can cause major damage to your body and the equipment. You should avoid using the equipment that nobody showed you how to operate because you can break it or do something you aren't supposed to do, and you can also injure yourself badly. So, before you go about using things you know nothing about, it may be a better choice to ask someone to train you beforehand.

According to MyPlate, you should eat approximately two cups of vegetables per day.


True, you should eat approximately two cups of vegetables per day.

Although it depends on the person you are and if you work out of not, you will need more or less intake of vegetables, but the lowest you need is two cups a day. For girls, active or not, they need at least 2 1/2 cups of vegetables per day. For guys, active or not, they need at least 3 cups of vegetables per day. 

MyPlate provides message about the balance diet.

Further Explanation:

The United State Department of Agriculture has developed the MyPlate concept which is a kind of food guide that helps the parents to point out how to feed balanced meals to their kids.

Myplate has various color that marks for various section for protein foods, vegetables, grains and fruits.

MyPlate is user friendly and very nice website which provides certain information such as:

1. Choose variety: A good meal has a balance of different items

2. Half of the child's plate should be filled with fruits and vegetable.

3. Low fat food should be served

4. Oversized portion should not be served

If breakfast or lunch doesn't involves a fruit and the vegetables, the parents should include them at snack time. This plate should be used as a guideline to plan and serve a different kinds of healthy foods.

Parents should be careful regarding the serving of extra calories food which can be low in nutrient. It can only be provided occasionally.

The different colors of the plate are:

1.Green: For vegetable like broccoli and spinach

2. Red: For fruits like apples

3. Orange: For grains like rice

4. Purple: For protein foods

5.Blue: For Dairy

Learn more:

1. Learn more about contaminated food brainly.com/question/4646230

2. Learn more about food production brainly.com/question/1662421

3. Learn more about health brainly.com/question/4540459

Answer Details:

Grade: College Biology

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Food and health


MyPlate, food, protein, foods, vegetables, grains, fruits, fat, apples, rice, dairy.

Which is more commonly one of the signs that someone is being sex trafficked rather than labor trafficked?A person is not allowed to talk to strangers.
A person does not have access to a phone.
A person has a new brand or tattoo.
A person does not have access to their ID.


A person has a new brand or tattoo can be a sign of someone being      s ex trafficked.

  • Tattooing can be a sign of someone showing his misery or reflecting what he/she is suffering from.
  • It can also be forced on the person as an identification mark.

What are the sign of being s ex trafficked?

  • Controlled by others, driven to and from locations, and escorted at all times.
  • Controlled and watched by others, having someone speak for them in public.
  • Not having a I.D. in their possession.
  • Not having control of their own money or cellphone, may have more than one cellphone in their possession.
  • Passport and IDdocuments confiscated by others.
  • Not being familiar with the neighborhood they live or work in.

To know more about trafficking here



Answer: A person has a new gang tattoo or brand(C)


What divides the heart into left and right halves


Walls of tissue known as septums