Which of the following is not a lifestyle factor ?a. smoking cigarettes
b. having weak eyesight
c. having friends
d. walking to school


Answer 1
Answer: Having weak eye sight is not a lifestyle factor. Your life style is your choice. You choose to smoke, you choose to have friends, and you choose to walk to school. Having weak eye sight is involuntary.
Answer 2
Answer: Your answer is B. Having weak eyesight.

Hope this helps.

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Paul has been clinically diagnosed with depression, so he takes a lot of prescription drugs. Based on this information, which of the following is most likely to influence his body composition? a. metabolism
b. energy balance
c. genetics
d. medical problems


Answer - D. medical problems is most likely to influence his body composition

Depression is a feeling disorder that has to do with a relentless feeling of unhappiness and loss of involvement, it can also get in the way of ones daily running. People with this disorder tend to take a lot of drugs to help them feel better and this can have an effect on their body composition.

The prescribed drugs taken by Paul will influence the medical problem in his body. The medical problem can be erectile dysfunction and jitteriness.

Further Explanation:

Depression is an abnormal activity of human neural circuits in which the person persist the feeling of sadness. It can also leads to a variety of emotional and physical problem. It happens at any age but often begins in adulthood. Depression is effected by the union of genetic, biological, physiological and environmental factors.

Depression is treated with the prescribed reuptake of selective serotonin inhibitor. In this disease the balance of chemicals in the brain become uneven and SSRI’s perform to change the level of serotonin in the brain.

The most commonly occurring side effect caused b y depression are digestive problem which includes diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth, restlessness, headache, insomnia, drowsiness, erectile dysfunction and jitteriness.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subjects: Health

Topic: Depression


Depression, medical, abnormal, neural, emotional, physical, physiological, serotonin, chemicals, insomnia, drowsiness, erectile dysfunction.

A person's energy efficiency can be partially determined by heredity.


This is true, it can be partially determined but it does not all lie with heredity. There are things you can do to help adjust your body and foods you can eat that can help with this.

Final answer:

While a person's energy efficiency can be affected by heredity and genetics, especially regarding factors such as metabolic rate, environmental factors and personal habits also play a significant role. The interaction of genetic traits and environmental factors shape our energy efficiency.


Yes, a person's energy efficiency can be partially determined by heredity. Our bodies' abilities to consume, store, and use energy are influenced partially by the genes we inherit from our parents. Heritability is the fraction of phenotype variation that we can attribute to genetic differences, or genetic variance, among individuals in a population. For instance, some people might naturally have a faster metabolism due to their genetic makeup. These individuals burn energy more quickly and could likely be more efficient in physical activities.

Moreover, the theories of sexual selection such as the good genes hypothesis and the handicap principle suggest that energy efficiency may also play a role in mating selection, pointing to a potential hereditary aspect.

However, it's crucial to remember that environmental factors, personal choice, and nurturing too play a significant role in balancing energy efficiency in addition to our genetic inheritance. In the nature vs nurture debate, an interaction between genes and our environment plays a part in all traits, including energy efficiency.

Learn more about Energy Efficiency and Heredity here:



What are three tips to start a healthy dating relationship mentioned in the article?


The three tips to start a healthy dating relationship are trust, no controlling, and space. These are needed so the persons who are in dating will value his or her self also. There should be a communication between the two and mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being for them to stay longer.


Three tips to start a healthy dating relationship mentioned in the article are trust, honesty, and sharing.


Feeling slightly uncomfortable during exercise


If by uncomfortable you mean in your joint, it probably because you do it in incorrect form, you just need to correct it and you'll be find

If by 'uncomfortable' you meant nausea, it mean that your body is currently not in a healthy condition and you should stop the exercise ( probably because of low blood pressure, low blood sugar, or dehydration)

Feeling slightly uncomfortable during exercise is not uncommon. It can be caused by a number of factors, including Muscle soreness, Lactic acid buildup, Heat exhaustion, and heartburn.

Muscle soreness: This is a normal feeling after a workout, especially if you're new to exercise or if you've been working out harder than usual. The soreness is caused by microscopic tears in your muscle fibers, which repair themselves over time and make your muscles stronger.

Lactic acid buildup: Lactic acid is a byproduct of exercise that can cause a burning sensation in your muscles. It's usually not a cause for concern, but if you're feeling a lot of discomfort, you may want to slow down or take a break.

Heat exhaustion: This is a mild form of heat illness that can occur when you're exercising in hot weather. Symptoms include headache, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. If you think you might be experiencing heat exhaustion, stop exercising and cool down immediately.

Heartburn: Heartburn is a burning sensation in your chest that can be caused by exercise. It's usually caused by stomach acid backing up into your esophagus. If you're prone to heartburn, you may want to take an over-the-counter medication before you exercise.

To know more about Muscle soreness:



What is the first step to take to help reduce pollution



reduse reuse recycle and drive less

An amazing first start would be donating to groups that fight to remove waste and clean oceans

Make sure you recycle

Reduce your carbon footprint

Try walking or biking to places instead of driving


What are the three aims of First Aid?


Prevent further harm also sometimes called prevent the condition from worsening, or danger of further injury, this covers both external factors, such as moving a patient away from any cause of harm, and applying first aid techniques to prevent worsening of the condition, such as applying pressure to stop a bleed.
Preserve life 
Prevent further injury 
Promote recovery