Many countries in Latin America were hit hard by the Great Depression. It affected their economy due to their connections with the U.S. Chile, Bolivia and Peru were greatly affected. This led to the fascism and nationalism in the region. Brazil gained her independence and Mexico beefed up its industries. During World War I, they did not participate save for Brazil.
The Pan – Africans change the opinions of Africans to aid them by imbuing them about their ideology about unity, the Pan - Africanism. They believed that being united, it will help their economy to rise because they will have the same goal for their country.
Montgomery bus boycott
After many loses against North Korean, in 1950 the Republic of Korea (ROK), the United States and the United Kingdom forces set up a defense line on the Pusan Perimeter near the city of Pusan. After six weeks of conflict and continuous battles, the North Korean army had to retreat because of a shortage of its supplies. On the other hand, the U.N. and American forces used the Pusan port as a way to get supplies which was the key factor that led to their victory.