B .Decisions were made by the Allies about how to shape postwar Europe.
C. The war in the Pacific was effectively ended.
D. The war was prolonged due to stalled peace negotiations.
The correct answer is B.
The Yalta Conference was celebrated in February 1945 and gathered the leaders of the Allied countries: France, UK, US and URSS. It was held to decide about how to deal with Germany after the nazi era, and to decide on how to reorganize Europe, because the end of the war was imminent. Many decisions were reached on this issue, for example, the demilitarization and denazification process that would be implemented in Germany, among many others.
B. The Nazi government had dehumanized the Jews by constantly portraying them as subhuman animals.
C. Scientists hoped to find a way to alter Jewish gen
The Nazi government had dehumanized the Jews by constantly portrarying them as subhuman animals.
The French and Indian war was fought between the Colonies of British America and New France
Julius ceasar