Iron Act - passed in 1759
first Navigation Act - stated that only English ships could be used.
Molasses Act - prevented competition with West Indies.
barter - used by the colonists because of a currency shortage.
writs of assistance - allowed the British to search homes.
Hat Act - prevented manufacturing and competition.
1. only English ships could be used
writs of assistance
2. passed in 1759
The defeat of the Japanese brought material and moral confusion. The government was also uncertain about the intentions of the Americans since they had evacuated female employees over to the countryside. The Japanese government laid down measures that ensured the voluntarily fighting unit was disbanded. People were not allowed to be expressive that will be assumed differently from their usual ones. All-female employees were not allowed to work until the confrontation was over. Even though defeat was one of the complicatedmatters, the Japanese were not ready to accept.
George Washington set important precedents for the presidency of the United States.
Answer:Perhaps George Washington's most significant lasting impact is that, through his actions, he set important precedents for the presidency of the United States. He was, of course, the first President, and unlike all of his successors, he had no model to look to (except, perhaps, the negative model of European monarchy.)
A stronger central government. This is because of the inherent weaknesses that resulted from the lack of a strong central government that could protect the people's lives and property. The federal government did not have the authority to deal with the problems that spread across multiple states an example being Shay's rebellion which exposed the weaknesses of the prevailing system.
To illustrate different political views
Answer: By being loyal to their Liege Lord
Vassals in the medieval era could hold fiefs for more than one Lord. However, they always had a liege Lord whom they had an unconditional bond with and therefore owed their loyalty first and foremost to.
A Liege lord was the one to whom a vassal owed homage and to no other. If a conflict arose between one lord and his liege Lord, he would have to choose the liege lord.
It is worthy of note that by default the King was the liege lord of all vassals just like how the state is the supreme guardian of all children.