Prior to the Renaissance, the human body was seen asA. a prison for the soul.
B. a beautiful thing.
C. proof that humans are "the paragon of animals."
D. sacred dust.


Answer 1
Answer: Renaissance is an era (14thto 17th century) in European century (especially in Italy) wherethere were notable discoveries on the field of Science as well as great intereston art and literature that was already almost lost a long time ago, now revivedback. 

Priorto the Renaissance, the human body was seen as letter C: proof that humans are"the paragon of animals."
Answer 2


the answer is A) A prison for the soul


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Answer:Pretty sure it is d, The exact size of population



D the exact size of the population


i took the test and got 100%

Which statement best describes US involvement in the Korean Peninsula today?A) The United States has withdrawn all of its troops from the region and left North and South B) Korea to work out their issues alone.
C) The United States continues the war on the side of South Korea, in hopes of gaining ground from the communists.
D) The United States has withdrawn all of its troops except those along the Yalu River between China and North Korea.
The United States has troops in place to help patrol the demilitarized zone between North Korea and South Korea.


The fifth alternative is correct (E).

The US has troops to patrol the demilitarized zone between South Korea and the North. According to Reuters news agency, the American military contingent in South Coere is about 28500 military personnel, who play a mediating role in military confrontations not only between the Koreas, but among the countries in the region, such as China and Japan. In this context, the US military position in Seoul is strategic and must remain even if the Koreas sign a peace treaty.

(e)The United States has troops to patrol the demilitarized zone between North Korea and South Korea.

Further Explanations:

Korean war a war fought between South Korea and North Korea for the annexation of more and more territories. North Korea was supported by China and South Korea by the United States. The war actually began on 25th June 1950 after the invasion of South Korea by North Korea. The invasion resulted in the series of clashes along the border. So to take control over the situation President Harry Turman cited the National Security Council a report named NCS-68 to take over the situation and bring peace in South Korea. As a result of it, Turman appointed General McArthur the Supreme commander of the united force to take control of the situation. Mc Arthur Landed with 10000 marines comprising of 40,000 men and 8,600 ROK soldiers at Inchon on 15th September 1950 and by the end of the month, he was able to recapture Seoul and drive North Korean forces completely away from South Korea.

The involvement of the United States in Korea is still prevalent in present-day as The United States has troops that patrol the demilitarized areas between South Korea and North Korea.According to the report of  Reuters news agency, the American military strength in South Korea is somewhat 28,500 military workforce, who play a vital role in military encounter between the Koreas.

Learn More  

1. starting in the1800s, members of the suffragist movement in the united states focused on women's rights too?

2. in the American colonies, which document called for religious freedom and helped to create aspects fo the first amendment?

3. what moderate reforms did European socialists support? check all that apply?

Answer Details

Grade – High School

Subject – Economy

Chapter – Korean War


Korean War, South Kore, North Korea, United States,President,  Harry Turman, National Security, General McArthur, Supreme commander, Inchon, Seoul,Reuters news agency

Which is a tool used to implement economic foreign policy?


One of the tool used to implement economic foreign policy is : Humanitarian Aid.
The humanitarian aid  policies involved in helping the people around the world and relieve their suffering, such as suffering from hunger, war, discrimination , or poor education

Muslims worship many gods


No, it is false that Muslims worship many gods, since they do not practice a polytheistic religion. Instead, they are monotheistic and worship one God, Allah, and the Prophet Muhammad.


the great answer is false


What was the name of the concept based on the belief that state the local government, along with private charities, should decide which social programs were needed in their communities?A. New Deal

B. Fair Deal

C. Great Society

D. New Federalism


Answer:. D. New Federalism


New Federalism, instituted by President Richard Nixon, involved shifting money and responsibilities away from the federal government to the states.


New federalism ( D )


The New federalism is a concept that gives the states the powers to choose how to run its functions which includes the different policies and activities that are allowed and controlled in the states according the laws of the states.

This concept grants the states the ability to choose their own welfare programs and it also grants the states the rights to decide which social programs that are needed in the communities across the state. while the great society was a concept that was intended to lift citizens out of poverty situations

Why did Mao Zedung get involved in the Korea War?


Mao Zedong, was the top leader of the Communist Party of China and the People's Republic of China. Under his leadership, the Communist Party seized power in mainland China in 1949, and it involved China in the Korean War because the People's Republic of China had warned that it would react if UN forces surpassed the The border on the Amnok River (and surpassed them), but before attacking Mao I hope Soviet aid and saw the intervention as essentially defensive.


C) He was worried about his border with North Korea being in jeopardy.

