A football is kicked into the air with a velocity of 32m/s at an angle of 25º. At the very top of the ball’s path, its vertical velocity is


Answer 1
Answer: At the "very top" of the ball's path, there's a tiny instant when the ball
is changing from "going up" to "going down".  At that exact tiny instant,
its vertical speed is zero.

You can't go from "rising" to "falling" without passing through "zero vertical
speed", at least for an instant.  It makes sense, and it feels right, but that's
not good enough in real Math.  There's a big, serious, important formal law
in Calculus that says it.  I think Newton may have been the one to prove it,
and it's named for him.

By the way ... it doesn't matter what the football's launch angle was,
or how hard it was kicked, or what its speed was off the punter's toe,
or how high it went, or what color it is, or who it belongs to, or even
whether it's full to the correct regulation air pressure.  Its vertical speed
is still zero at the very top of its path, as it's turning around and starting
to fall.

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What are the two most reactive groups of elements in the periodic table?


The periodic table is a tabulated organization and representation of chemical elements that classify elements similar to repeating characteristics and order them by their increasing atomic number.

The periodic table is structured into:

  • rows known as periods and;
  • columns usually called groups.

The groups are categorized from group 1 (known as the alkali metals) to group 18 (i.e. the noble gases)

The list of the two most reactive groups are:

  • Alkali metals and;
  • The halogen family

  1. Alkali metals i.e the group 1 metals are one of the two metals with the highest reactivity.  This is owing to their greater atomic radii and lower ionization energies, among other factors. They exhibit an oxidation state of +1 and typically donate electrons in reaction with the halogen family thereby resulting in the formation of an ionic bond. They also have lower boiling and melting points than other elements and are less dense.
  2. The halogen family which is the other group of the most reactive elements on the periodic table is distinguished by their electronegativity characteristics. i.e. their ability to attracts electrons to themselves. They are located in group 7 on the periodic table.

Thus, we can conclude that the two most reactive groups of elements in the periodic table are the alkali metals and the halogen family.

Learn more about the periodic table here:


The Halogens and the Alkali Metals.

How does wavelength relate to frequency?


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What is the critical angle of a diamond having a refractive index of 2.42? Use air as the second medium. Air has the refractive index 1.00.A. 14.9°


refractive index: diamond = 2.42 ; air = 1

90° should have been provided in the problem. I encountered similar problem before. 

Using Snell's Law: n1*sin(a) = n2*sin(b)
n1 and n2 are the refractive indexes
sin(a) and sin(b) are the corresponding angles.

n1 = 2.42
n2 = 1.00
b = 90°

n1 * sin(a) = n2 * sin(b)
2.42 * sin(a) = 1 * 1
2.42 * sin(a) = 1
sin(a) = 1 / 2.42
sin(a) = 24.4°  Choice B.




Plato user

the 2,200 meters-per-second flux in an ordinary water reactor is 1 .5 x 1013 neutronsl cm2-sec. at what rate are the thermal neutrons absorbed by the water?





you'll go go hi I go gfdd go jhhgg you out in FB kjjhbbbbbnmkjhvvvhjmkklbihoboblh LA n

If someone is talking how do they get energy from the sun?



The sun generates energy from a process called nuclear fusion. During nuclear fusion, the high pressure and temperature in the sun's core cause nuclei to separate from their electrons. Hydrogen nuclei fuse to form one helium atom.


i really dont know sorryyy

A graduated cylinder has 20 ml (cm3) of water placed in it. An irregularly shaped rock is then dropped in the graduated cylinder and the volume of the rock and water in the cylinder now reads 30 ml (cm3). The mass of the rock dropped into the graduated cylinder is 23 grams.a.) Find the volume of the rock dropped into the graduated cylinder.
b.) Find the density of the rock dropped into the graduated cylinder.


A) Volume = displacement
Therefore the rock has a volume of 10mL
B) density = Mass/ Volume
 Therefore density = 23/10 = 2.3 per unit volume

Final answer:

The volume of the rock dropped into the graduated cylinder is 10 ml. The density of the rock is 2.3 g/ml.


We first determine the volume of the rock dropped into the graduated cylinder. The initial volume of water in the cylinder is 20 ml, and after placing the rock, the total volume increases to 30 ml. Therefore, the volume of the rock is the total volume minus the initial volume of the water, which is 30 ml - 20 ml = 10 ml.

Next, we find the density of the rock. The formula for density is mass/volume. Given that the mass of the rock is 23 grams and the volume is 10 ml, the density of the rock would be mass/volume = 23 grams / 10 ml = 2.3 g/ml.

Learn more about Density here:
