2.5 × 10⁴ is the scientific notation for 0.00025. this is done by moving decimal to the first non zero number.
When a number is too big or too tiny to be readily stated in decimal form, or if doing so would involve writing down an exceptionally lengthy string of digits, it can be expressed using scientific notation. It is also known as standard form within the UK and scientific form, standard index form, and standard form. Scientists, mathematicians, or engineers frequently utilise this base ten notation because it may make some mathematical operations simpler. 2.5 × 10⁴ is the scientific notation for 0.00025. this is done by moving decimal to the first non zero number.
To know more about scientific notation, here:
2.5 * 10^4
Sodium Na is a soft, low-density member of the alkali metal family. The element sodium is a very delicate silvery-white.
Sodium makes up 2.8 percent of the Earth's crust and is the most prevalent alkali metal and sixth most plentiful element on the planet.
A metal is a substance that has a shiny look when freshly processed, polished, or shattered, and conducts electricity and heat rather effectively. Typically, metals are malleable and ductile.
Ionic linkages mix metals with non-metals, whereas metallic connections happen between metal atoms. The metallic bonding joins metal atoms.
Learn more about metal, here:
CH2OHCH2OH is a general example of a polyhydroxyl alcohol. A polyhydroxyl alchol is one in which there are two hydroxyl groups present in the substance. The –OH group attached to both the carbon atoms.