When heavy rain follows a dry season in the mountains, the land can change abruptly. For example, a _______ can rush downhill as a huge mass of soil, water, and rock, leaving a bare scar in the hillside.A.


Answer 1

When heavy rain follows a dry season in the mountains, the land can change abruptly. For example, a mudslide can rush downhill as a huge mass of soil, water, and rock leaves a bare scar on the hillside. The correct option is A.

What is a mudslide?

A mudslide, also known as a debris flow or a landslide, is a rapid movement of a large mass of soil, rock, and water down a steep slope or hillside.

Mudslides typically occur after heavy rain, when water rapidly saturates the soil and creates a slurry of mud and debris. This slurry then flows downhill at high speeds, carrying with it anything in its path, such as rocks, trees, and buildings. Mudslides can be extremely destructive and dangerous, and they can cause significant damage to homes, infrastructure, and the natural environment.

Mudslides can occur in various parts of India, particularly in areas with hilly terrain and heavy rainfall. Some of the regions where mudslides have been known to occur in India are:

Uttarakhand: This northern state is particularly prone to mudslides and landslides, with the 2013 Uttarakhand floods and landslides being one of the worst disasters in recent history.

Himachal Pradesh: Another northern state with hilly terrain, Himachal Pradesh has also experienced numerous mudslides and landslides in the past.

Jammu and Kashmir: This state in the north of India is also prone to landslides and mudslides, particularly in the hilly areas.

Northeast India: The northeastern states of India, such as Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, and Assam, are also prone to landslides and mudslides due to their hilly terrain and heavy rainfall.

Western Ghats: The Western Ghats, a mountain range that runs along the western coast of India, is also known for landslides and mudslides during the monsoon season.

It's important to note that mudslides can occur in other parts of India as well, and it's always important to be aware of the risks and take appropriate precautions.

Therefore,  mudslide is the correct option i.e A.

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Answer 2


A. mudslide.


This abrupt change can alter the surface, like mudslides, they are formed of water, rocks and water, like is described. This mudflow is capable to destroy vegetation, and leave behind fissures.

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I believe the blank would simply be behaviour adaptations. Behavioural adaptations are behaviours that organisms demonstrate to help them better survive and reproduce in a habitat. Hope that helps!!
behavior adaptation are behavior that organism demomstrate to help them survive

Can you explain that gravity pulls us to the Earth & can you calculate weight from masses on both on Earth and other planets?


I don't actually understand what your question is, but I'll dance around the subject
for a while, and hope that you get something out of it.

-- The effect of gravity is:  There's a pair of forces, in both directions, between
every two masses.

-- The strength of the force depends on the product of the masses, so it doesn't matter whether there's a big one and a small one, or whether they're nearly equal. 
It's the product that counts.  Bigger product ==> stronger force, in direct proportion.

-- The strength of the forces also depends on the distance between the objects' centers.  More distance => weaker force.  Actually, (more distance)² ==> weaker force.

-- The forces are equal in both directions.  Your weight on Earth is exactly equal to
the Earth's weight on you.  You can prove that.  Turn your bathroom scale face down
and stand on it.  Now it's measuring the force that attracts the Earth toward you. 
If you put a little mirror down under the numbers, you'll see that it's the same as
the force that attracts you toward the Earth when the scale is right-side-up.

-- When you (or a ball) are up on the roof and step off, the force of gravity that pulls
you (or the ball) toward the Earth causes you (or the ball) to accelerate (fall) toward the Earth. 
Also, the force that attracts the Earth toward you (or the ball) causes the Earth to accelerate (fall) toward you (or the ball).
The forces are equal.  But since the Earth has more mass than you have, you accelerate toward the Earth faster than the Earth accelerates toward you.

--  This works exactly the same for every pair of masses in the universe.  Gravity
is everywhere.  You can't turn it off, and you can't shield anything from it.

-- Sometimes you'll hear about some mysterious way to "defy gravity".  It's not possible to 'defy' gravity, but since we know that it's there, we can work with it.
If we want to move something in the opposite direction from where gravity is pulling it, all we need to do is provide a force in that direction that's stronger than the force of gravity.
I know that sounds complicated, so here are a few examples of how we do it:
-- use arm-muscle force to pick a book UP off the table
-- use leg-muscle force to move your whole body UP the stairs
-- use buoyant force to LIFT a helium balloon or a hot-air balloon 
-- use the force of air resistance to LIFT an airplane.

-- The weight of 1 kilogram of mass on or near the Earth is 9.8 newtons.  (That's
about 2.205 pounds).  The same kilogram of mass has different weights on other planets. Wherever it is, we only know one of the masses ... the kilogram.  In order
to figure out what it weighs there, we need to know the mass of the planet, and
the distance between the kilogram and the center of the planet.

I hope I told you something that you were actually looking for.

What are some similarities between heat and temperature?


Heat is a form of energy while temperature is the measure or degree of coldness or hotness of a substance, place or something.
The similarities between heat and temperature are:
1. Heat causes the temperatures to raise. This means that it is the heat energy that causes temperatures to change.
2. Both heat and temperatures can be measured by specific units. Heat is measured in joules while temperature is measured in kelvin.  

By definition, we have:


Energy that is manifested by an increase in temperature and comes from the transformation of other energies; is originated by the vibratory movements of the atoms and the molecules that form the bodies


The temperature is a magnitude referred to the common notions of heat measurable by a thermometer. In physics, it is defined as a scalar quantity related to the internal energy of a thermodynamic system

Some similarities are:

1) The more heat there is, the higher the temperature.

2) The less heat there is, the lower the temperature.

3) Mathematically the heat and the temperature difference between two points are proportional.

Who is the silentest that revised the atomic modle


Bohr is the scientist you are looking for my friend...;)

3. You shoot an arrow straight up into the air with a velocity of 25 m/s.a. What is the velocity of the arrow at its peak?
b. How high did the arrow go?
c. How long is the arrow in the air?


a) The velocity of the arrow at its peak is zero

b) The maximum height of the arrow is 31.9 m

c) The time of flight is 5.10 s



The motion of the arrow fired straight upward into the air is a uniformly accelerated motion, with constant acceleration g=9.8 m/s^2 (acceleration of gravity) towards the ground.

The initial velocity of the arrow when it is fired is upward: since the acceleration is downward, this means that as the arrow moves upward, its velocity decreases in magnitude.

Eventually, at some point, the velocity of the arrow will become zero, and then it will change direction (downward) and will start increasing in magnitude. The moment when the velocity raches zero corresponds to the peak of the trajectory of the arrow: therefore, at the peak the velocity is zero.


Since the motion of the arrow is a uniformly accelerated motion, we can use the following suvat equation:



v is the final velocity

u is the initial velocity

a is the acceleration

s is the displacement

For the arrow, we have:

u = 25 m/s

v = 0 (when the arrow reaches the peak)

a=g=-9.8 m/s^2 (negative because downward)

s is the maximum height reached by the arrow

And solving for s,

s=(v^2-u^2)/(2a)=(0-(25)^2)/(2(-9.8))=31.9 m


In order to find the time it takes for the arrow to reach the maximum height, we use the following suvat equation:


where here we have:

v = 0 is the final velocity at the peak

u = 25 m/s

a=g=-9.8 m/s^2

And solving for t,

t=-(u)/(g)=-(25)/(-9.8)=2.55 s

This is the time the arrow takes to reach the top of the trajectory: therefore, the total time of flight is twice this value,

T=2t=2(2.55)=5.10 s

Learn more about accelerated motion:






Galileo conducted controlled experiments to find out if the mass of the pendulum bob affected the period of the swing. Write a description of how he might design his experiment. Thanks!


According to my guesses, he should have swung the pendulam bob and noted its time period. In order to observe the effect of mass, he would have repeated the experiment with varied pendulam bobs. Hope this helped!