20 POINTS + Brainliest Answer included! Why are we, as humans, unable to see ultraviolet light? 5-10 sentence paragraph please!


Answer 1
Answer:  - Most Sunlight is in the visible band from 0.38μ (which we see as violet) to ... but please interpret these symbols to include all the radiation in their respective ...... Approximately 6% of the energy spectrum, hard uv, is absorbed by the upper ...... the 5-10 micron region at a similar intensity to CO2 (10^-20).

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Fill in the blank. The gravitational attraction between two objects will ----------- if one object acquires more mass.



The Second Universal Law of Gravitation states that "The gravitational attraction between two masses is directly proportional to the mass of each individual object."  That means that if one object gains mass and the other object retains its mass, then gravitational attraction between them will increase.

So, the missing word is "increase."

That's easy.  Once we cut through all the scientific jargon,
we realize it's as simple as: 

A person's weight on Earth increases if he acquires more food,
or puts stones in his pockets.

What does aliens need to survive on Jupiter?


If you only asked me what does an animal need to survive in my house,
I couldn't answer that one either, until you tell me what animal you're
talking about.

Now you want to talk about aliens, of which #1): We have no evidence
that they even exist, and #2): If they do exist,we have no idea what kind
of a planet they live on, and #3): We have no idea what the environment
might be like on that planet.

So, to answer your question, I would say this:

In order to survive on Jupiter, an alien species would need exactly the
same things that Earthly humans would need there ... They would need
some set of materials and devices that could be used to duplicate the
conditions of atmosphere, temperature, pressure, gravitation, and
radiation in which their species evolved and to which it adapted, in
whatever place they came from.

I dont believe that there is aliens so they need nothing to survive because they arent real. But that is my opinion. Scientist say they are but in my belief i think they just saying that to get known.

Please help me with this science question.


The answer would possibly be H in my mind

Most radiation is released as particles. Identify the type radiation that is not a particle.1.alpha


Gamma rays because it is a form of electromagnetic radiation. It has zero mass and no charge.

A car is stopped at a red light. When the light turns green, the car startsaccelerating again. In the process, a cup of coffee sitting in a cup-holder spills
out onto the rear seats. Why does this happen?



See the explanation below


This happens because the coffee was at rest, at the time when the car accelerates to move forward the container containing the coffee also accelerates in the same direction, the liquid when moving suddenly spills. The same will happen if the car slows down, any sudden movement changes will cause the coffee to spill, understood by sudden movements when it accelerates or slows down.


This happens because of inertia.


Inertia is the ability of a body to remain in its state of rest or relative movement, while an external force is not acting on it.

It is when a body objects to modifying its state of relative rest or movement, including the speed and direction in which this happens.

When a car accelerates, a cup of coffee sitting in a cup-holder spills out onto the rear seats, because it has left its state of rest due to the acceleration force of the car.

Is a exothermic a reaction that absorbs energy


exo-outside, like exoskeleton

it tells where the energy goes

exo, energy goes out or is released
endo, energy is absorged

so exothermic is a reaction that releases energy and
endothermic is reaction that absorbs energy
omg people just trying to help but sending me offinsive comments Really like your any better you dont know every answer get off my case Im sorry if i got it  wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11