precisely! To maintain and keep things in order and to manage ones opinion and keep things organized. :)
Answer: B)To make sure that their own opinion is listened to. But they allow other opinions as well!
❤ I hope this helps you, kind stranger! ❤
a. past participle
b. present
c. present participle
d. past
b. coming
c. came
d. comed
We came to the hotel last night.
The term indulgence is related to the concept of sin, or actions in opposition to God's laws. In Luther's time, when a person did something that was considered a sin, he or she was required to confess the sin to a designated church authority (usually a priest). The person then had to undergo a penance (punishment) that the authority prescribed (depending on the nature of the sin). In the context of the church, an indulgence was a statement by the pope exempting a group of people from specific penances by virtue of good deeds they had performed. Indulgences were often published in written form. PLATO
covers spending on entitlement programs
government can make decisions on how to spend the money
includes spending in categories of education and national defense