Which form best completes the sentence?Elsa y yo _______el juguete
A. hiciste
B. hicimos
C. hicieron
D. hizo


Answer 1


The correct answer to complete the sentence is:

Elsa y yo B. hicimos el juguete.


the sentence is about Elsa and me made a toy. the word to look for is made. in spanish is the verb hacer.

the correct conjugation of the verb hacer for Elsa and I is:

A. hiciste (you made)

B. hicimos (we made) this is the correct conjugation of the verb for Elsa and me (we)

C. hicieron (they made)

D. hizo (he/she/you made)

Answer 2
Answer: B hicimos in english made.

Elsa and I MADE the toy.

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Mi madre TIENE QUE lavar

Yo no QUIERO hacer lavar los platos todos los días


mi mama tiene que lavar

yo no quiero lavar la losa todos los días


Please help!:)Choose the answer that best completes the following sentence. Hay (There are) ________ gatos en la casa.
a. las
c. el
b. un
d. tres

The state with the highest percentage of an Hispanic population is ___________________.

New Mexico
New York

Choose the best words to complete Raúl’s description of his school schedule.
Hoy tengo muchas clases. ____________________ tengo inglés y ____________________ tengo taller.

después, primero
tarde, después
tarde, primero
primero, después

Choose the best word to complete Raúl’s description of his school schedule.

Por la ____________________ tengo biología.


Write complete sentences to tell what everyone does. Be sure to use the correct form of each verb.

Nosotros (estudiar todos los días)

Write the answer to this problem in Spanish.
mil doscientos doce - docientos catorce = _______


1. Choose the answer that best completes the following sentence. Hay (There are) ________ gatos en la casa.

The right answer is d. tres

Hay tres gatos en la casa (There are three cats in the house)

The word tres works as an adjective. Recall that an adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. In Spanish, an adjective is usually placed after the noun it modifies. However, there are exceptions such as numbers, and must agree in gender and number with the noun. This sentence fulfills the exception.

2. The state with the highest percentage of an Hispanic population is ___________________.

The right answer is New Mexico

As of 2012, Hispanics and Latinos make up about 17% of the total U.S. population. The state with the largest percentage of Hispanics and Latinos is New Mexico at 47%, that is, over 765,386 Hispanics and Latinos.

Notice that the question asks for the largest percentage of Hispanics,it does not tell us anything aboutthe largest population which is California, the state with the largest Hispanic and Latino population overall with over 14 million Hispanics and Latinos.

3. Choose the best words to complete Raúl’s description of his school schedule:

The right answer is primero, después

Hoy tengo muchas clases. Primero tengo inglés y después tengo taller.

Whose translation is:

Today I have a lot of classes. First I have English and then I have a workshop.

Primero: First

Después: After, then

4. Choose the best word to complete Raúl’s description of his school schedule.

The right answer is tarde

Por la tarde tengo biología (In the afternoon I have biology)

We use the sentence:

Por la mañana (In the morning)

Por la tarde (In the afternoon)

Por la noche (at night)

to point out actions that happened or that will happen.

5. Write complete sentences to tell what everyone does. Be sure to use the correct form of each verb.

The right answer is:

Nosotros estudiamos todos los días

In Spanish, the simple present tense (el presente or el presente de indicativo) is used to talk about habitual actions, routines, things happening now or in the near future, universal truths, facts, hypotheticals, lapses of time, and for ordering in restaurants and stores. So, the conjugation of the verb estudiar for the first-person plural is estudiamos.

6. Write the answer to this problem in Spanish.

We have the following math problem:

mil doscientos doce - docientos catorce = _______

So, in a mathematical language this is as follows:

1212 - 214 = 998

So, we can write this solution using words as follows:

mil doscientos doce - docientos catorce = novecientos noventa y ocho

Question 1:

For this case what we must do is fill in the blank with a word to express quantity.

Therefore, the correct word is:


Thus, the complete sentence in Spanish is given by:

Hay tres gatos en la casa.

The translation of the sentence in English is:

There are three cats in the house.


d. tres

Hay tres gatos en la casa.

Question 2:

For this case we are going to quote the BBC Mundo source to know the state with the highest percentage of Latinos.

According to the BBC World source, 17% of the total population of the United States is Hispanic population. The Hispanic population is approximately 55 million people.

New Mexico is the state with the highest percentage Hispanic population in the country. About 47% of the population of New Mexico, are Hispanic.


The state with the highest percentage of an Hispanic population is New Mexico.

Question 3:

For this case, what we must do is fill in the blank spaces with the words that indicate the order of the activities that Raul is going to do.

For this, we know that for the activity that is going to be carried out first, we use in Spanish:


For the activity that will be carried out later, we use in Spanish:


Therefore, the complete sentence in Spanish is given by:

Hoy tengo muchas clases. Primero tengo inglés y después tengo taller.


primero, después

Question 4:

For this case, what we should do is fill in the blank with the word that expresses the moment of the day for which Raul will perform the activity.

A moment of the day for which an activity can be carried out is in the afternoon.

The translation of this word in Spanish is:


Therefore, the translation of the sentence in Spanish is:

Por la tarde tengo biología.



Question 5:

For this case, the first thing we should do is choose a verb tense.

Suppose we are going to conjugate the verb in simple present.

The verb we are going to conjugate for the first person of the plural.

Under these conditions, the translation of the sentence in Spanish, is given by:

Nosotros estudiamos todos los días



Nosotros estudiamos todos los días

Question 6:

For this case what we should do is write this problem algebraically.

We have then:

1212 - 214 = ________

Substracting both numbers we have:

1212 - 214 = 998

Then, we write the result in Spanish:

novecientos noventa y ocho


"novecientos noventa y ocho "

mil doscientos doce - docientos catorce = novecientos noventa y ocho

Spanish II Write 5 sentencesPrompt: you're studying abroad and your friend calls to see how you are doing.
Instructions: in five sentences, describe your Saturday routine. Include what do you do when you wake up and what places you usually visit. It's important to use reflexive verbs as much as possible.


The sentences need to be in Spanish or English?

What does ¿A ti te gusta? Mean


It means " Do you like it"?

Answer:I hope this helps


¿ A ti te gusta- Spanish

Do you like it- English

¿A ti me gusta means do you like it

1. Yo (cerrar) las ventanas anoche.2. Los estudiantes (escribir) las respuestas en la pizarra.3. María y yo (nadar) en la piscina el sábado.4. Tú (vivir) en la casa amarilla, ¿no?5. Mis abuelos no (gastar) mucho dinero.6. Enrique no (beber) ni té ni café.7. ¿ (Tomar) tú la última galleta?8. Todos los jugadores (oír) las malas noticias.9. Yo (decidir) comer más frutas y verduras.10. Ellos (olvidar) la dirección de la tienda.




¿Cómo se dice "on foot" en español?


on foot en español se dice a pie

Answer:it is pie

Explanation:hope I helped