Los Mitos (Myths) son narraciones ficticias que tratan de explicar hechos de la realidad
A Myth is a traditional story or tale that refers to colossal, wonderful or even incredible events, involving supernatural or extraordinary beings, such as Gods, demigods, heroes, monsters or fantastical characters, and commonly seeks to explain some event or phenomena. Myths are part of the belief system of a culture or community, and play a fundamental role in a society, where they can be considered as true stories. Some myths are considered to be true accounts of a society's remote past, such as Creation Myths, which are narratives about how the world came to be and how people inhabit it. Other myths explain how a society's customs and institutions were established. Myths have multiple functions, however, there are three main ones, explanatory, of significance and pragmatic. The explanatory function means that myths explain, justify or develop the origin, reason of being and causes of a certain aspect of social or individual life. The pragmatic function of a myth means that myths can be the basis of certain social structures and actions, that way a myth could for example, determine a line of descent, or who is worthy of ruling in a community. And finally, the function of significance mean that myths are not only stories used to explain or justify certain events, they also provide comfort, life direction or calm to individuals in a community, for example, myths that talk about life and death, suffering or victory.
En mi comunidad en el mes de diciembre es el invierno con temperaturas más frías y en agosto es verano con temperaturas mas calientes.
The answer will be D. las canciones. Bajar can be used as synonym of the Download (Descargar) in Spanish.
So you can say in Spanish "Voy a bajar las canciones" (I'm going to download the songs) and will be a correct expression.
Then check out the grammar pattern in the next link to see if your hunch was correct.
“Usted” is generally more formal, while “tú” is a more formal use of the Word you. You would use usted when referring to teachers, people of authority, and your elders, while tú is more appropriate for friends and family members.
I think tú form ends in an s when you use it, such as “tú hablas”, meaning you talk. It seems like the usted form just ends in the vowel of that verb, like in the 3rd person, for example “usted habla”
The difference between the different forms of "you" in Spanish is that one is used in informal conversations and the other in formal conversations.
Use of pronouns "usted" and "tú."
Although in English there is only one pronoun that translates these two, in Spanish one or the other is used depending on the type of conversation that you want to carry out.
The pronoun "usted" is used in formal situations, that means occasions such as referring to superiors, in age or rank, as well as when attending formal events. Below are some examples with their conjugated verb:
For its part, the pronoun "tú" is used in informal conversations, that is, when dealing with friends, family or trusted people, some examples of this are:
Its usefulness must be taken into account because sometimes you can offend another person by speaking with the pronoun "tú" without having the confidence to do so.
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La maestra es organizada. (nosotros)