What does the word defiant mean?


Answer 1

Defiant means showing defiance or resistance.

The protestors were defiant and would not resume activities until their demands were met.

Answer 2
Answer: Defiant means bold and daring. 


The teacher spoke defiantly to the sinned student. 

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Use benefit and expertise in one sentence


I would actually use them together: benefit from someone's expertise.

For example,: While building this bridge, we could benefit from the architect's expertise.


Let's invite Sarah, she knows a lot about cooking, we could benefit from her expertise!

Final answer:

The words 'benefit' and 'expertise' can be used in a sentence to illustrate how specialization can lead to economic benefits. An example sentence is provided that combines these concepts.


Benefit and expertise can be used in one sentence to illustrate how specialization of labor can lead to increased productivity or economic benefits. For example, one might say: 'By leveraging her expertise in consulting, she can derive maximum benefit from her job, yielding far more income than she might save by trying to grow her own vegetables.'

This sentence shows not only the use of both words in context but also illustrates an economic principle related to specialized labor and productivity.

Learn more about Sentence Usage here:



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Glad to help.

Because he kept stealing all of his toy dinosaurs. Hoped I helped.

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B. her guilt about feeling happiness during wartime