The pyrenees mountains have many syncline and anticline structures


Answer 1

There are numerous syncline and antcline features in the foldedmountains.

What is folded mountain?

The effects of folding on strata in the top section of the Earth's crust result in the formation of fold mountains. The phrase was once used to characterize most mountain belts but has since lost favor due to the advent of the theory of plate tectonics and the lack of knowledge of the interior structure of thrust belts.

In regions of thrusttectonics, such as where two tectonic plates are moving toward one another along a convergent plate boundary, fold mountains develop. If there is a mechanically weak layer, like salt, it can cause the piled layers of rock to crumple and fold like a tablecloth when plates and the continents riding on them meet or undergo subduction.

Learn more about Folded mountains, from:


Your question in incomplete, probably the complete question is-

What mountain is the Pyrenees mountains have many syncline and anticline structures?

Answer 2


Folded Mountain


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What is upwelling for science



Upwelling is a process in which deep, cold water rises toward the surface. How displaced surface waters are replaced by cold, nutrient-rich water that “wells up” from below. Conditions are optimal for upwelling along the coast when winds blow along the shore. Winds blowing across the ocean surface push water away.


Upwelling is an oceanographic phenomenon that involves wind-driven motion of dense, cooler, and usually nutrient-rich water towards the ocean surface, replacing the warmer, usually nutrient-depleted surface water. The nutrient-rich upwelled water stimulates the growth and reproduction of primary producers such as phytoplankton.



Upwelling is a process in which deep, cold water rises toward the surface. This graphic shows how displaced surface waters are replaced by cold, nutrient-rich water that “wells up” from below.

Cities in both South and East Asia:A. have decreasing populations as people leave because of pollution

B. are located inland to provide protection from enemies.

c. have local flora and fauna that contribute to their widely varied

D. are very old, but have expanded and modernized.





d is definitely not the answer and neither is c. so I was left with a and b but b didn't sound right so if I'm correct its a.

Final answer:

Cities in South and East Asia are old but have modernized and expanded. The population trends vary from city to city, with some experiencing growth and others experiencing decline. The diverse cuisines in these cities are influenced by local flora and fauna.


Cities in both South and East Asia are very old, but have expanded and modernized. They are not defined by decreasing populations due to pollution, but rather they experience urbanization and migration trends that vary from city to city. For example, some cities may see population growth due to economic opportunities and urban development, while others may experience population decline as people move to more developed areas.

Additionally, cities in South and East Asia are known for their diverse cuisines, which are often influenced by local flora and fauna. The availability of different ingredients and culinary techniques contribute to the rich and varied cuisines found in these cities.

Overall, cities in South and East Asia are dynamic and ever-changing, with a mix of modern and traditional elements that reflect their historical background and ongoing development.

Learn more about Cities in South and East Asia here:


What is food autarky? What is the present situation of Pakistan in food autarky?


Food autarky refers to a policy intended to facilitate self-sufficiency. In an attempt to reduce foreign dependence on resources, self-sufficiency is opted by many countries to increase localized production and/or economic isolation.

What is food autarky and what is Pakistan's present situation in food autarky?

  • Autarky can be explained as a feature of self-sufficiency.
  • The aim of autarky is to reduce foreign influences and maintain a degree of self-sufficient independence in economic affairs.
  • Food autarky, in this context, would refer to being self-sufficient in producing your own food.
  • Pakistan produces its own food through self-sufficient policy measures.
  • For instance, Pakistan is among the biggest producers of wheat and milk.
  • Pakistan is involved in exporting food products as well.
  • This is reflective of food autarky.

Therefore, Pakistan's present situation represents food autarky and self-sufficiency.

Learn more about autarky



It's self sufficient and doing very well at the moment


Food autarky is self sufficiency of a country. Pakistan produces millions of tons of good quality wheat and world’s best quality Basmati rice and millions of tons of cotton which enables her to provide cheap food to her citizens. Pakistan exports her surplus rice and wheat abroad thus contributing to world’s food production positively. Pakistan is the 7th largest producer of Milk in the world. So she benefits rest of the world positively. She is self sufficient and an exporter of food items which shows her food autarky!

Explain what force caused the movement of the continents from one supercontinent to their present positions


The earth during 200 million years started to split from what was known as Pangaea and has now attained a different formation.

  • The plate tectonic theory given by Alfred Wegener is based on the forces that lead to the splitting and drifting of the world continent and how they attainted their present forms.
  • Forces like the poleward moving forces and gravitational attraction of sun and moon. After the discovery of magnetic animalities in the seafloor it became evident that seafloor spreading took place and parts of earth's crust were uplifted.  

This lead to the conclusion of the convective current that led to the displacement and drifting nature of the continents to their present forms.

Learn more about the force that caused the displacement of the continents from one supercontinent to its present.

This was called pangea the supercontinent was separated by faults and sea floor spreading there is evidence today they were all together