The value of percentage 423% in decimal is 4.23.
A decimal is a number that is divided into two parts: a whole and a fraction. Between integers, decimal numbers are used to express the numerical value of complete and partially whole quantities.
We have percentage 423% .
The above percent can be written as 423%= 423/100
As we know there is shortcut to put the decimal whenever there is term in denominator with zeroes.
For instance 3/10 have one zero at end then the decimal will be placed at one number before in numerator which gives 0.3
So, 423/100
= 4.23
Learn more about decimal here:
Express your answer in simplest mixed-number form. 2 3/4 + 4 3/4
Let first find the purchase price (cost) of 2 pair of pants, 3 dress shirts, and 1 suit jacket.
2 pants =
3 dress shirts =
1 suit jacket =
Summing all these, we have
Harold marks up 27% of his cost. So we add 27% of 617 to 617.
Hence, Harold charges $783.59 to his customer who will buy 2 pants, 3 shirts, and 1 suit jacket.
ANSWER: $783.59