Which of the following are characteristics of generalist species?a. small habitat and restricted diet
b. large habitat and varied diet
c. restricted diet and physiological adaptations
d. behavioral and physiological adaptations


Answer 1


B.large habitat and varied diet


-Behavioral and physiological adaptations are two characteristics of generalist species. A generalist species can adapt to different environments and resources. Omnivores animals are some example of generalists species. A generalist species is able to thrive in a wide variety of environmental conditions and can make use of a variety of different resources.

Answer 2
Answer: b. Generalist species are not specialized, they do not have many adaptations. They can live in a large range of environments or habitats and eat a variety of foods.

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D) Daughter cells contain the same genetic information as parent cells.


A feature in the early hominid was her apelike shoulders and forelimbs, but a pelvis that indicated that most of her body weight lay above her pelvis. Which best explains the fossil?


This fossil which has apelike shoulders and forelimbs feature is most likely a quadrudepal (walks on both hands and feet). Scientists might call this early hominid the Wish human. It's apelike structure could also indicated that she is a common ancestor to the chimpanzees. 


B. Scientists called her Lucy and her pelvis indicates she could walk upright.


The description provided aligns with the characteristics of the famous hominid fossil known as Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis). Lucy's pelvis indicated that she walked upright, and her apelike shoulders and forelimbs were adaptations that might have been retained from a more apelike ancestor. The term "Upright Human" is not commonly used, and the other options do not accurately describe the fossil and its characteristics.

The Earth has three main climate zones because of the differences in latitude and which of the following? A. The amount of precipitation received.
B. The distribution of sunlight.
C. The oceans' currents.
D. The prevailing winds.


The differences in latitude and the distribution of sunlight on earth is the reason there are three main climate zones. 

The Earth has three main climate zones because of the differences in latitude and the distribution of sunlight.

Further explanation

Climate is the average weather conditions in an area for over a long period. Three major climate zones on Earth are:

1. Polar zone

The characteristic of this polar climate is cool summer and long extremely cold winter. The polar climate has a freezing climate and most of the time below zero degrees. The farther north of Canada, Europe, and Russia are the area that categorizes in this polar zone.

2. Temperate zone

The temperate climate zone lying between 23.5 degrees and 66.5 degrees north and south latitudes. Temperate climate zones experience warm to hot summers and cool winters, with the greatest temperature variations throughout the year.  

3. Tropical zone

The regions between the equator and the tropics are tropical zone. In this zone, the temperature is warm, has the most rain and little temperature variation. The climate is hotter here because the Sun’s light is directly overhead at the equator. An area in this zone has lush plants and trees and varied animals.  

Learn more

Characteristic of each climate zone brainly.com/question/16218

Temperate zone brainly.com/question/1176545

Factors of climate zone brainly.com/question/1112371

Keywords: climate zones, polar zone, tropical zone, temperate zone

If you lined up human skin cells side-by-side, how many would fit along the length of the paperclip in the sample problem above? Justify your answer with math.



You did not provide the length of paper clip but i searched this exercise to find the length of the paper clip as So, a small paperclip measures 3.0 cm so i will answer your question according to this length.

The size of a human cell is around  30um and the question is asking that how many would fit along the length of the paper clip measuring 3cm.

                              3 cm = 30000 microns

                                          = 30000/30

                                           = 1000 cells.

So, if we line up 1000 human skins cells side-by-side, they would fit along the length of the paperclip.

Note: If the length of paper clip is different in your excercise like 1 cm etc, simply multiply the 1 with 10000 and divide the resultant value with 30, this way you can get cell number for the length of any clip.

Hope it helps!

Which of the following components of the skin is innermost, or farthest from the surface of the skin? A. Sebaceous glands
B. Hair follicles
C. Hypodermis
D.. Epidermis


It's the hypodermis so the correct answer would be c

The organic chemicals that help cell membranes to conserve internal fluids are _____. a. hormones
b. phospholipids
c. amino acids
d. proteins


the most appropriate answer is B ! as it helps in maintaining isolated internal environment !!
The organic chemicals that help cell membranes to conserve internal fluids are the phospholipids. They are composed of fatty acid, glycerol, phosphate group and a polar molecule. The phosphate group and polar head region of the phospholipids is attracted to water while the fatty acid is repelled by water. They are a major component of the cell membrane in which it encloses the organelles of the cell. It also limits what enters and exits the cell because of its two heads.