The continents of the Earth are constantly in motion . The reason for this motion is the position of the tectonic plates over the mantle of the Earth. The movement of these plates, causes the continents to move. Over the time, these movements becomes substantial and the drifting of the continents is visible. This leads to the formation of the new biomes. The flaura and fauna changes with these movements.
Hence, the correct answer is 'Option A - Biomes'.
The correct answer is B.
According to base pairing rules, A will always pair with T and and G will always pair with C. This pairing happens in DNA.
When it comes to RNA, there is a slight difference. Thymine is never found in RNA but is replaced with Uracil. So instead of Adenine pairing with Thymine, it will be Uracil which takes the place of Thymine.
It is important to note that Thymine in DNA will code for Adenine in RNA because Adenine is found in RNA base sequence. However whenever Adenine in DNA wants to code for a complementary base to copy on RNA, then Adenine will call for Uracil, not Thymine.
Muscle tissue has the ability to contract and relax due to its property of excitability, which allows muscle cells to respond to stimuli and generate electrical signals. This contraction and relaxation are initiated by action potentials and the release of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in muscle fibers. After contraction, relaxation occurs by removing calcium ions from the muscle fibers.
The ability of muscle tissue to contract and relax is due to its unique property called excitability. Excitability refers to the ability of muscle cells, also called muscle fibers, to respond to stimuli and generate electrical signals. These electrical signals, known as action potentials, are responsible for initiating the contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue.
When a muscle fiber receives a stimulus, it releases calcium ions and generates an action potential. This action potential spreads along the muscle fiber, resulting in the release of stored energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This energy is used by the muscle fibers to convert chemical energy into mechanical energy, leading to muscle contraction.
After contraction, muscle fibers need to relax. This relaxation process involves the removal of calcium ions from the muscle fibers, allowing them to return to their resting state. The ability of muscle tissue to contract and relax enables it to perform essential functions such as movement, posture maintenance, and organ control.
The key property of muscle tissue that allows it to contract and relax is contractility. Muscles also have the properties of extensibility and elasticity which allow them to stretch or extend and return to their original length respectively. The functionality of these properties is seen across three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth.
The property of muscle tissue that gives it the ability to contract and relax is known as contractility. This property allows muscle tissues to pull on their attachment points and shorten with force. In addition, muscles have two other notable properties, specifically, extensibility and elasticity. Extensibility enables a muscle to extend or stretch, while elasticity allows the muscle to return to its original length after it has contracted or stretched. These three properties work in combination to facilitate the smooth movement of muscles.
Three types of muscle tissue exist in the human body: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle. Skeletal muscle is primarily responsible for voluntary movements, cardiac muscle causes the heart to beat, and smooth muscle is involved in involuntary movements such as the contraction of our pupils in bright light or the peristaltic movements in our intestines.
carbon dioxide and uric acid
oxygen and urine
carbon dioxide and urine
The correct answer is option A
Plants performs both the functions photosynthesis and cellular respiration.The waste product of photosynthesis is oxygen that the plant releases in the environment.
Plants also performs cellular respiration and in the process of cellular respiration the waste product is carbon dioxide.
Hence, the waste products are carbon dioxide and oxygen.