Which verb form correctly completes the sentence? Is the verb singular or plural? The batteries in our cell phones __________ to charge.
a. need, singular
b. needs, plural
c. needs, singular
d. need, plural


Answer 1
Answer: Thebatteries in our cell phones need to charge. 
The verbis singular since the noun used ‘batteries’ is plural. 
Verbsare simply known as the ‘action’ words – may it be mental, physical ormechanical. When verbs are paired with auxiliaries (helping verbs), they areknown as verb phrase. These helping verbs always go first before the actualverb. Perfecttenses serves a portraying the verb or the action word as something thatalready happened or is completed, thus the term ‘perfect’. If it is presentperfect tense, it means that the action was already done relatively to thepresent (has/have with past participle). If it is past perfect tense, action isalready finished relatively to the past (had with past participle and if it isfuture perfect tense, action is complete relatively to the future (will havewith past participle
Answer 2
Answer: D. Need, Plural

It is plural because it is talking about more than one subject (batteries).

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Which sentence uses correct parallel construction?a. You can either talk to the manager about your problem or writing a letter to the president of the company.
b. Anyone who is going to work here will have to be athletic, an intelligent person, and have a good sense of humor.
c. Most people enjoy ice cream and the plant grows.
d. The painter wore glasses, gloves, and boots.


a. You can either talk to the manager about your problem or writing a letter to the president of the company.

- here the correct form would be "or write a letter" - so the whole sentence is incorrect

b. Anyone who is going to work here will have to be athletic, an intelligent person, and have a good sense of humor.

- yes, this one is correct! it doesn't have any mistakes AND it's a parallel construction.

c. Most people enjoy ice cream and the plant grows. - this is not incorrect, but it's a bit weird. plus, it's not a parallel construction

d. The painter wore glasses, gloves, and boots.  - this is correct, but it's not a parallel construction.

Identify the appositive phrase.
Her car, a small two-door model, served her needs well.


The appositive phrase here is "a small two-door model".

You can recognize it easily because it is separated by commas and used to further describe the subject, in this case the car.

The efforts of one good worker can often motivate others to reach their potential through a process called


Modeling - being a good role model (inspiring others in a way to do better)

1. After setting his alarm clock for PM instead of AM, Eric woke up late for school. In his haste, he forgot to pack a lunch or bring lunch money. Eric did not mind much at the time and figured that he could just eat some of his friend's food. During lunchtime, Eric explained his situation to the people at his lunch table. His friends were sympathetic to his cause, but they only packed lunches for themselves, not Eric. Katie offered Eric a small bag of carrots. "Yuck! I hate carrots. Thanks anyway," Eric said as he declined Katie's offer. Chuck offered Eric his milk, to which Eric responded, "Is that skim milk? Ewww…. I hate skim milk. Does anyone have any chocolate milk?" Some people at the table did have chocolate milk, but they did not want to give their milk to Eric. To break the silence, Ben offered Eric half of his egg salad sandwich, but Eric again refused quite rudely, "Egg salad is gross. Doesn't anyone have anything good for me?" But that was the last offer that Eric would receive that day. What is the theme of the story??? What happens in the story that leads you to believe this ?


The narrative focuses on Eric's lack of gratitude. He was given many opportunities by his friend, but he turned them all down just because he didn't enjoy the goods. This resulted in constant hunger.

Who was Eric?

Even if we don't like something, there are instances when we should be grateful for it. At least Eric's buddies were still considering helping him. Now that everything has happened, even Eric's pals would be reluctant to assist others who are in need. In other words, Eric made issues for himself and probably someone else out of his preferences.

Eric Patrick Clapton, CBE, is an English rock and blues guitarist, singer, and composer who was born on March 30, 1945. He is regarded as one of the most popular and significant rock guitarists.  In Rolling Stone's list of the "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time and Gibson's "Top 50 Guitarists of All Time," Clapton came in at number two and number four, respectively. In 2009, Time magazine ranked him fifth on its list of "The 10 Best Electric Guitar Players."

To read more about  Eric, refer to - brainly.com/question/10637428


The story is about how unthankful Eric is. He received many offers from his friend, but just because he didn't like the stuff he didn't take anything. This lead to hunger for all day long. Sometimes we should be thankful for whatever we are getting, even if we don't like it. At least Eric's friends still thought to help him out. Now after this even Eric's friends would be hesitant to help other poeple who are in need for something. So basically Eric created problems for himself, and probably someone else just because of his likes and dislikes.

Hope it helped!

Estimating a manuscript's length if it's set in a particular typeface is calleda. casting off.
b. letterspacing.
c. typography.
d. leading.


The answer is Letter A. Casting off. Casting off is estimating the manuscript's length by counting the number of words required in the manuscript, in order to estimate how many pages needed upon printing. This is necessary in book printing because this will also affect the amount or costs needed.

Which is the correct way to rewrite this sentence in active voice?The furniture was polished by me two weeks ago.


I polished the furniture two weeks ago

Your answer is I polished the furniture two weeks ago.

Hope this helps.