What type of figurative language is used in this sentence from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee?People moved slowly then. There was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy, and no money to buy it with, nothing to see outside the boundaries of Maycomb County.

A. metaphor
B. alliteration
C. hyperbole
D. euphemism
E. oxymoron


Answer 1
Answer: Well..Its not a metaphor because there is no hidden, implicit or implied hidden comparison between two unrelated things.
Its not a hyperbole because there is no over exaggerated statement.
Its not a euphemism because there is no indirect words or expressions being substituted in place of a harsh or unpleasant.
Its not a oxymoron because there is nothing that contradicts itself.
It is a alliteration because the words used have the same sounds. Slowly, Hurry and Money.

Your answer is B.

Answer 2
Answer: i think it is b as well

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b. False


  • Answer:


  • Explanation:

A pun is not a literary work, but a rhetorical device which consists in the use of words similar in form or sound, but in different senses, close to one another in order to create an unexpected effect on the listener or reader. That is, it is an ambiguous game of words with sounds similar or alike, but with different meanings and applications. Puns are one of the rhetorical resources most used in humorous and advertising speeches.

The Answer is False.

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D- in the brain


Answer: in the brain (APEX)



In the brain


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Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day!

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