Which word set completes the following analogy?librarian : books ::
rescue : emergency
scientist : microscope
horse : blacksmith
farmer : agriculture


Answer 1

librarian : book :: scientist: microscope

As I see it, the librarian's profession is comprised of books. Like a librarian uses books to do her job. Whereas, a scientist does his job with the help of microscopes.

Answer 2
Answer: i believe the answer is scientist : microscope

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1) When Perseus was asked to kill Medusa. Medusa was known as turning everybody into stones who were staring at the snakes in her head.

2) When Perseus stole the eye from the Gray Sister in exchange to kill Medusa.

3) When Perseus had to fight in order to kill the serpent who is going to kill Andromeda. Perseus rescues Andromeda in the end.

1.  Perhaps his biggest adventure was killing the Golden Medusa - and then keeping the head
2. Another monster he defeated was Cetus, the sea monster  (he "stole" his wife from the "protection" of Cetus
3. Perhaps not that perilious, but Perseus had turned Atlas into  stone so that he doesn't suffer anymore (athought this would have angered Zeus, so it was dangerus this way).

The Declaration of Independence was a revolutionary document in many ways. However, while it states that "all men are created equal" it did not speak for all mankind.In one to two sentences, explain who the Declaration ignores and what this meant.



The quote didn't apply to minorities. This was because they weren't seen as people.


Back then, minorities were seen as lesser, unintelligent beings. This is why slaver wasnt technically unconstitutional.

What impact did the printing press have on education?A. It was decided that apprenticeships should be abolished.
B. Governments decided that they needed to end public education.
C. Countries decided that informal education is more important than formal education.
D. People wanted to learn how to read nonreligious materials.


The impact of the printing press on education was primarily reflected in People wanted to learn how to read nonreligious materials. Therefore option D is correct.

The invention and widespread adoption of the printing press, attributed to Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century, revolutionized the production and dissemination of written materials.

It led to significant changes in the field of education:

1. Increased availability of books: The printing press made it easier and more cost-effective to produce books, allowing for a greater supply of written materials.

This, in turn, increased access to educational resources and expanded opportunities for learning.

2. Dissemination of knowledge: The printing press facilitated the widespread distribution of knowledge and ideas. It allowed for the reproduction and circulation of texts on various subjects, including science, philosophy, history, and literature.

This dissemination of knowledge encouraged intellectual curiosity and expanded educational horizons.

3. Growth of literacy: As books became more accessible, there was a growing demand for literacy. People wanted to be able to read and engage with the expanding body of nonreligious materials that were being printed.

Therefore option D People wanted to learn how to read nonreligious materials is correct.

Know more about printing press:



d. since the printing press made books much cheaper many more people could afford to buy books and wanted to learn to read these cheap books

Which of the following most accurately describes the use of epic machinery in epic poetry?


Epic poetry from all cultures contains at least some of the conventions, but rarely do they contain them all." These conventions varies from one culture to the other.


Epic poetry from all cultures contains at least some of the conventions of epic machinery, but very rarely all of them.

The last sentence says that the State follows at a distance the "delicacy of culture and aspiration". What does aspiration mean?


the quality of being
a hope or ambition of achieving something delicate, in particular.
the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
"20th century popular culture"
synonyms: the arts, the humanities, intellectual achievement;
basically there saying the art of old and respected cultural or local hope

Final answer:

In this context, aspiration refers to a hope or ambition of achieving something. Tied with 'delicacy of culture', it signifies a refined desire for intellectual, artistic, or societal advancement.


In this context, aspiration refers to a hope or ambition of achieving something. It represents one's dreams, plans, or goals for the future. When tied with 'delicacy of culture', it may imply a refined desire for intellectual, artistic, or social advancement, a wish to reach a state of higher culture.

For example, someone's aspiration could be to learn multiple languages, pursue a certain career, or achieve specific personal growth.

Hence, the phrase 'delicacy of culture and aspiration' conveys a nuanced appreciation for refinement and the drive for self-development or success.

Learn more about Aspiration here:



Why is the gang important to johnny in the outsiders?


In “The Outsiders”, the gang is important to Johnny because he considered the members as his family. He did not feel loved by his parents instead he got all beaten all the time. He was searching for love and security which he found in the gang.

Final answer:

Johnny's gang in 'The Outsiders' serves as his surrogate family providing the emotional support, camaraderie, and sense of belonging that he lacks at home. His character development and courage stem from this bond with his gang.


In the novelThe Outsiders, the gang is extremely important to Johnny because they serve as his surrogate family. Johnny's home life is abusive, and the gang provides him with the emotional support, camaraderie, and sense of belonging that he doesn't receive from his actual family. Much of Johnny's character development, courage, and ultimate self-sacrifice are a result of his inherent loyalty to the gang, illustrating that the gang is not just important but crucial to him.

Learn more about The importance of the gang to Johnny
