The British colonies had been around for 150 years in the1760s - Virginia was the first to be founded in 1606. By 1763 a sizablespread of land had been carved out for Britain, and the colonies were prospering.Most importantly, the Seven Years War had just finished, leading to a completewithdrawal from the American mainland on the part of France, and, for theSpanish, losses of all but a rump of formerly French holdings west of Florida.The two great territorial rivals of the British colonies had been removedas a threat. The future looked bright and secure for the Americans, withthe prospect of unlimited westward expansion held back only by the Britishresponse to Indian raids, the Proclamation Line along the Appalachians whichprevented further settlement of the continent's interior.
The 13 mainland colonies between South Carolina and Maine,in particular, had grown from British settlements established for trade andprestige, highly dependent on the motherland, into semi-autonomous states.The 10 other colonies were in a very different situation, with small whitepopulations almost exclusively growing sugar for sale to Britain in the Caribbeancolonies, a very limited population with underdeveloped civil governmentcollected in small areas of Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia little more thana military outpost.[1] It is no accident that it was the aforementioned 13 colonies[2] thatrebelled so yeah
the options are
Knowing how the actors do things differently than other people
The jack-in-the-box made the baby laugh but frightened the cat.
My daughter is running for mayor of the town against her cousin.
You can use this atlas to locate islands in the mid Pacific.
Her father-in-law is a skilled carpenter, so he's helping them remodel their kitchen.