correct answer is. The PAC contributes $4,000 to the campaigns of Kroll, Loon, Marble, and Noonkester for a total of $16,000."
b. gender
c. age
d. social rank
a guest of honor is my answer.
Answer: the study of astronomy in ancient times was mainly to keep track of the time and different seasons. This was very important in farming practices eapecially when to plant.
Explanation: Astronomical achievement of ancient cultures:
1. The Aztecs built Temple Mayor used to mark and keep track of the beginning and end of the different seasons
2. The Egyptians constructed huge obelisks which may have been used as clocks interpreted as light struck them at different parts of the day
3. The Greeks developed the Metonic cycle which is a 19 year cycle on which the dates of different phases of the moon repeat
4. The Druids were believed to have built Stonehenge as a clock to tell time as well as different phases of the moon and sun.
Ancient societies studied astronomy for practical and religious reasons. Mayans used astronomy in their calendars, Egyptians used it in aligning the pyramids, and Greek astronomers developed advanced mapping models.
Ancient peoples studied astronomy primarily for practical reasons, such as predicting seasonal changes for agriculture, navigation, and keeping track of time. Additionally, heavenly bodies often held a significant religious and mythological significance in these societies.
Mayans, known for their sophisticated calendar systems, used their knowledge of astronomy to predict solar and lunar eclipses. The Egyptians had a profound understanding of astronomy which helped them align their pyramids to the constellation of Orion. The Greek astronomer Hipparchus developed a sophisticated model of celestial sphere mapping and is often credited with the invention of Trigonometry.
Punishment by application
The destination of the first two crusades was the city of Jerusalem. The First Crusade, which was successful, led to the establishment of four Crusader states. The Second Crusade, aimed at liberating the fallen County of Edessa, was largely unsuccessful.
The first two crusades were directed towards the city of Jerusalem. The First Crusade reached Jerusalem in the summer of 1099. The Crusaders took the city, massacred the Muslim and Jewish inhabitants, and established the four Crusader States: the County of Edessa, the Principality of Antioch, the County of Tripoli, and the Kingdom of Jerusalem, claiming Jerusalem as their capital. The Second Crusade, initiated in response to the fall of the previously established County of Edessa, also targeted Jerusalem although, it was a largely failed mission.
The Church was looking to liberate Jerusalem and support the Christians in the Middle East. The vision of Jerusalem appealed to the Christians in Europe who wanted to see and touch the physical land where Jesus walked. The Crusaders saw this as a holy pilgrimage as Jerusalem was seen as an enormous relic and gateway to heaven itself.