What is the difenition of famous


Answer 1
Answer: definition of famous is being known by many people.
Answer 2
Answer: The definition of famous is being popular or well known

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One day I was walking through the forrest. I found a bad ball that said I could become a fairy , if I drank a honeycomb. So I drank it and I didn't become anything. The next day I woke up as a fairy!! I went to the forest,but ant direction I went, I didn't find the bad ball. Then I remembered, I was a fairy!!! So I transported the bad ball to be here. When it got here I just stared at it. The bad ball said, "If you need anything, ask!!" So I said thank you very much. I enjoyed being a fairy. The next day I woke up regular me!! That bad ball!!!

Read the passage. Jackie is a sophomore with, short, spiked hair. The only thing she likes about school is her two friends, Allie and Shawn. If it weren’t for them, she figures she would find a way to avoid school all together. At school Jackie feels out of place, and at home she resents the way her parents are always telling her to get better grades so she can go to college. Which is the best example of a summary for the passage? A. Jackie’s parents wish she would get better grades and do more chores around the house.
B.Jackie is a good student and is going to go to college someday.
C. Jackie dislikes school and feels pressure from her parents, but her friends make her better.
D. Jackie is popular at school and is known for her short, spiked hair.



The best example of a summary for the passage is C. Jackie dislikes school and feels pressure from her parents, but her friends make her better.


A summary is a brief recapitulation of previously stated facts or statements without changing the original meaning. This recapitulation or overview is said to be comprehensive because it should include all the main elements mentioned in the original speech. The sentence that best meets these requirements is C.

The answer is c because Jackie dislikes school and her parents pressure her to get good grades.

Should Everyone Speak English? You have been asked to respond to this question: Should everyone in the world speak English? Some support the idea of a universal language because hundreds of languages are currently spoken around the globe, and a single worldwide language would help everyone to communicate more efficiently. Those against this idea highlight the fact that language is an important part of the world's diversity and culture. What do you think? In a well-developed essay, argue your stance on this issue. Use evidence and examples to defend your position. As you write, remember your essay will be scored based on how well you: develop a multi-paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates your thesis to the audience. support your thesis with meaningful reasons and sufficient details. address the readers' concerns, opposing viewpoints, or counterarguments. organize your essay in a clear and logical manner, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. use well-structured sentences and language that are appropriate for your audience. edit your work to conform to the conventions of standard American English.



My answer is "Yes".  Eventhough language is one of the most valuable aspects of any culture, the mastery of a second language opens new opportunities for an individual in different areas such as art, culture, technical, scientific, or for traveling and tourism purposes.

The idea is not that the entire world speaks one and unique language as English, because each people have their own origins and customs that are highlighted and transmitted precisely by native language.  

Language helps uniting societies, giving them unique and proper characteristics that determine the final identity of people.  Language also helps creating strong ties in society such as religion aspects, family backgrounds, principles and behavior rules for people who share it.

This is why, for example, we see that in countries with a high volume of immigrants they create like a big circle in which they feel united and protected themselves and it's because of the language they share.

On the other hand, the fact that everyone should speak English as a second language is important because this gives the individual a double opportunity for working and getting involved in the society where he/she performs but at the same time keep the roots of his/her environment or culture.

Describe about a bag in English


A bag is a common accessory used for carrying personal belongings. It can come in various sizes, shapes, and materials, and is designed to be carried by hand, on the shoulder, or on the back.

Typically, a bag has a main compartment with a zipper or some other type of closure to keep items secure inside.

Many bags also have additional pockets and compartments, both inside and outside, for organizing and storing smaller items. The straps of the bag can be adjustable or fixed, depending on the design.

Bags can be made from a variety of materials, including leather, canvas, nylon, polyester, and more.

Some bags are designed for specific purposes, such as backpacks for hiking or laptop bags for carrying electronic devices. Other bags, such as purses and handbags, are primarily used for fashion and style.

Learn more about Bag here:



a bag is a thing used to store different items

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No matter what anyone thinks of you, you are who you are. Boys don't have to tell girls there not skinny enough and girls don't have to tell boys your not tough enough. God has the perfect soulmate for us so don't try to make yourself any prettier or handsomer than you are because there is no one more beautiful than who God already made you. :)

Can some one help me with at least one question....Shifts in Tense

1.Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
As soon as the alarm clock rings, Neal is eager to get out of bed.
Antoine brushed his teeth before he eats his breakfast.
Often the baby stands in the crib and holds onto the rail.

2. Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
He ate his entire dinner, but his stomach is still growling loudly.
We are reading these books, which we got from the library yesterday.
The dog is playing in the yard as Mrs. Smith worked in the garden.

3.Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
Although few people view Marta's blog, she writes an entry every day.
As Dana was reading a magazine, I use the computer.
The performance will begin as soon as the theater becomes dark.

4.Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
I will have been cooking for the entire morning when the guests will arrive.
When Grandpa calls on the phone, he will tell us the big news.
Before this week ends, the broken light fixture will have been repaired.

5.Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
Has Jack showed you his photos yet, or is he still telling that funny story?
While Lucy was hiking on the trail, she trips over a tree root and twists her ankle.
After I dry these dishes, shall I put them away?

6.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"While I was cleaning the bathroom,"
I somehow misplaced my toothbrush.
I somehow misplace my toothbrush.
I somehow had been misplacing my toothbrush.

I somehow was misplacing my toothbrush.

7.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"The audience left before"
the movie will be ending.
the movie ended.
the movie ends.
the movie will end.

8.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"As the adults cleaned up"
the children will play with their toys.
the children play with their toys.
the children are playing with their toys.
the children played with their toys.
9.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"Snow had fallen on the ground overnight,"
so we will have gotten our shovels to clear the driveway.
so we will get our shovels to clear the driveway.
so we got our shovels to clear the driveway.
so we get our shovels to clear the driveway.

10.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"We had been putting away the dishes"
when the guests are arriving.
when the guests arrive.
when the guests arrived.
when the guests will arrive.


The following would be the answer to your questions.
#1 C. Often the baby stands in the crib and holds onto the rail.
#2  B. We are reading these books, which we got from the library yesterday.
#3 B. As Dana was reading a magazine, I use the computer.
#4 A. I will have been cooking for the entire morning when the guests will arrive.
#5  A. Has Jack showed you his photos yet, or is he still telling that funny story?
#6  B. I somehow misplace my toothbrush.
#7 C. the movie ends.
#8  C. the children are playing with their toys.
#9 B. so we will get our shovels to clear the driveway.
#10  B. when the guests arrive.