Cen you tell me what is heinous1. diverse; various
2. a kind or type
3. disagreeable
4. horrible; terrible


Answer 1
Answer: 'Heinous' means horrible, terrible.  Like installing your military
rocket launchers in a house, a school, a hospital, or a church.
Answer 2
Answer: 4..........................

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А ____ has two or more independent clauses without any punctuation between.-Sentence Fragment-fused sentence-simple sentence -comma splice
Which statement is an example of a compound sentence?

Fix the sentence the war was over soldiers spread baseball across the U.S.



The correct way to write the sentence "the war was over soldiers spread baseball across the U.S" is the following:

The war was over, and soldiers spread baseball across the U.S


In order to connect the two independent clauses "the war was over" and "soldiers spread baseball across the U.S" you first need to use a conjunction, in this case the word "and". when you are using a conjunction to link two independenc causes, you need to add a comma before the conjunction, therefore the corrected sentence would be: The war was over, and soldiers spread baseball across the U.S.

The war was over. Soldiers spread baseball across the US.

Which punctuation mark is required to set apart an introductory phrase?a) semicolon
b) colon
c) comma
d) none


the correct answer is  (C.comma


C. Comma


A comma is required to set apart an introductory phrase from the rest of the sentence. This comma is sometimes optional if the introductory phrase is less than four words long. Some examples of introductory phrases include "before the movie starts" and "while getting ready for the play."

Which is the subject of this sentence? For once in your life, try something new and exciting.



an understood you


i know its "you" but is it your? thats what i dont get!!


C is the correct answer. There is an understood you as follows: “for once in your life, [you should] try something new and exciting”. ‘For once in your life’ in this sentence is an adjunct and is extra information given to emphasise the strength of the speaker’s feelings.


C. an understood you


I'm probably so late. Sorry mate...

Which sentence does not contain any punctuation errors? A. On my list I have three names: Welsh, Bob, Parker, Mandy; and Rosen, Michael. B. On my list I have three names: Welsh, Bob; Parker, Mandy; and Rosen, Michael. C. On my list I have three names: Welsh; Bob, Parker; Mandy, and Rosen; Michael. D. On my list I have three names: Welsh, Bob, Parker, Mandy, and Rosen, Michael.


sentence D. I'm pretty sure. but I'm confused why they all say: and Rosen,Michael. is that supposed to be one name?

Why is global warming a problem?


The world is getting warmer and that causes the ice caps to melt and its going to cause the land to flood
it causes a lot of rain and droughts

Please help me at englishComplete the sentences by making comparisons with one of these adjectives or adverbs
This computer performs the ... of all.It s brilliant.
I hate having the flu.It s ..... than having a cold.
Sarah gets on my nerves and her sister is even ..... .
Do you want a big piece of pizza.Yes please.The .... the better.
I go to the cinema once a month but I like to go ........


1. This computer performs BEST of all. It is brilliant. - comparison of WELL (You shouldn't use THE here, because you are not comparing an adjective, rather an adverb which doesn't need THE).
2. I hate having the flu. It's WORSE than having a cold. - comparison of BAD
3. Sarah gets on my nerves and her sister is even MORE ANNOYING. - comparison of ANNOYING
4. DO you want a big piece of pizza? Yes, please. The BIGGER the better. - comparison of BIG
5. I go to the cinema once a month but I'd like to go MORE FREQUENTLY. - comparison of FREQUENTLY

This computer performs best of all. It's brilliant. (compare of well)

I hate having the flu. It's worse than having a cold. (compare of bad)

Sarah gets on my nerves and her sister is even more annoying. (compare of annoying)

Do you want a big piece of pizza? Yes, please. The bigger the better. (compare of big)

I go to the cinema once a month but I like to go more frequently. (compare of frequently)

Further Explanation

In completing the sentence we must pay attention to the tenses and grammar. Also, note the location of the word should be in the right place. For example, these tenses use what verbs, what to be, and time adverbs. Where the subject, object, etc.

Skips text is a form of practice to determine the right words to complete paragraphs or text skips. Choosing the most appropriate words to complete a paragraph of text is not difficult if you are already know-how. We must be keen to understand the meaning of sentences and the choice of logical answers.

In this function the adverb of frequency is often used as time signals as exemplified by the author below:

  • Always
  • Often
  • Usually
  • every day / week / month
  • all the time twice a day
  • once a week

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Completing sentence brainly.com/question/806269

Tenses and grammar brainly.com/question/806269


Class: Middle School

Subject: English

Keywords: sentence, tenses, grammar