What causes objects to fall on earth and what is the rate at which this occurs?


Answer 1
Newton called it "Universal Gravitation". 
Now, most people call it "gravity".

What gravity does is: 

It causes there to be forces that pull every speck of mass in the
universe toward every other speck of mass in the universe.

-- If you just think about two gobs of mass, then there are two forces
of gravity. 

-- One force pulls gob-A toward gob-B, and the other force
pulls 'B' toward 'A'. 

-- The strengths of both forces are EQUAL. 

-- The strength depends on the product of the two masses. 

It doesn't matter if the masses are the same or if one is ginormous
and the other is minuscule. It's the product that counts. 
Bigger product ==> stronger force.
Smaller product ==> weaker force.

-- The strength also depends on the distance between the two masses. 
Farther apart ==> weaker force. 
Closer together ==> stronger force.

-- When you hold a rock in your hand, there are forces of gravity
between the rock and the Earth.

-- When you let go of the rock, one force pulls the rock toward
the Earth.    You call that force "The weight of the rock".

-- The other force force pulls the Earth toward the rock.

-- The forces are equal.   The rock's weight on Earth is equal to
the Earth's weight on the rock.

-- Force applied to a mass causes the mass to accelerate in the
direction of the force.

-- The force on the rock causes it to accelerate toward the Earth.
We call that the act of "falling".

-- The force on the Earth causes it to accelerate toward the
rock.  Nobody ever notices that, nobody ever talks about it,
and you are thinking that I am full of merren tzimmes.  But it's
true. I swear it.  You could look it up.  Furthermore, I laugh at
your derogatory remark, because it is often true and my wife's
merren tzimmes is delicious.

-- The reason we never notice it is:  When equal forces are applied
to two different masses, the smaller mass accelerates more, and the
bigger mass accelerates less. 

When you allow the 1-kilogram rock and the Earth to accelerate
toward each other under the influence of the equal gravitational
forces between them, they do indeed accelerate toward each other. 

BUT ... the mass of the Earth is roughly  

               5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times

the mass of the rock, so the acceleration of the rock is roughly

               5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times

the acceleration of the Earth.

So the falling of the rock toward the Earth is substantially more
obvious than the falling of the Earth toward the rock.

-- The rate of acceleration of any object falling on or near
the Earth's surface is 9.8 m/s² .

That means that the object's speed increases steadily and
continuously.  At any instant, the speed at which it's falling
is 9.8 meter/sec faster than it was 1 second earlier.

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f=5 N





New, f=(m1+m2)a



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It's a law of nature, which I don't understand too well, that we can
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I think that individual atoms and molecules have been cooled in
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WOW !  I just went and searched online for more information
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by doing that.  You ought to try it some time.)

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A thin layer of turpentine (n=1.472) is floating on water (n=1.333). Light of wavelength 589 nm initially traveling in air is incident on the turpentine at an angle of 24.8° measured with respect to the air-turpentine interface. What is the light's refraction angle in the turpentine?


The angle of refraction of the light in turpentine will be \boxed{38.1^\circ}.



The refractive index of the turpentine is1.472.

The refractive index of the water is 1.333.

The angle that the light makes with the surface of the turpentine is 24.8^\circ.


As the light is incident on the surface of the turpentine at the air-turpentine interface, the light gets refracted from the surface. The refraction of light occurs due to change in the refractive index at the air-turpentine surface.

The angle of the refracted ray after undergoing refraction is given by the Snell's law.


Here, n_1 is the refractive index of first medium, n_2 is the refractive index of second medium, i is the angle of incidence and r is the angle of refraction.

The angle of incidence is the angle made by the light from the normal to the surface. So, in this case, the angle of incidence will be (90^\circ-24.8^\circ) i.e. 65.2^\circ.

Substitute the values in above expression.


Thus, The angle of refraction of the light in turpentine will be \boxed{38.1^\circ}.

Learn More:

1. How does the reflection differ from refraction and diffraction brainly.com/question/3183125

2. The reason for the refraction of light at air water interface brainly.com/question/3095091

3. Approximate length of the unsharpened pencil brainly.com/question/6140057

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Physics

Chapter: Refraction


thin layer, turpentine, Snell's law, refraction, air, interface, normal, incident, light, refracted, refraction, refraction angle.


16.6 degrees


We can solve the problem by using Snell's law for refraction:

n_1 sin \theta_1 = n_2 sin \theta_2


n_1 = 1.00 is the index of refraction of the first medium (air)

\theta_1 = 24.8^(\circ) is the angle of incidence

n_2 = 1.472 is the index of refraction of the second medium (turpentine)

\theta_2 is the angle of refraction of light in turpentine

By re-arranging the equation and using the numbers, we find

sin \theta_2 = (n_1)/(n_2) sin \theta_i = (1.0)/(1.472) sin 24.8^(\circ)=0.285\n\theta_2 = sin^(-1) (0.285)=16.6^(\circ)

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