Shays Rebellion forced courts to close so judges could not confiscateTax money
Farmers land
Smuggled goods
Criminals homes


Answer 1
Answer: In the United States, Shays Rebellion forced courts to close so judges could not confiscate "Tax money," since the main purpose of this series of rebellions was to protest against taxation. 

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It is B. the Pure Food and Drug Act 

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The Non-Aligned Movement was a movement founded in 120 countries that were not part of any power bloc. It was the largest grouping of states worldwide after the UN.

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After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Non-Aligned Movement faced struggles because the world became unipolar with the United States becoming the dominant global power. Because of that, the NAM was forced to redefine itself and reinvent its purpose.

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b. Racism was widespread in America.
c. Poverty was widespread in America.
d. Americans needed more highways.


The topic of the book "The Other America" was that poverty was widespread in America. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "c". The book was written by Edward Harrington. He was born on 24th of February in the year 1928 and died on 31st of July in the year 1989. 

C. Poverty was widespread in America.

Away from the nation's affluent suburbs was another country, one inhabited by the poor, the ill-fed, the ill-housed, and the ill-educated. This was the assertion made by author Michael Harrington in his 1962 book, The Other America: Poverty in the United States.  Harrington's book had an impact on the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.  President Johnson's "Great Society" plans aimed to address the problems of poverty in America.