Why is diffusion and osmosis important to the cell


Answer 1
Answer: uses energy to move substances against (up) a concentration gradient or across a partially permeable membrane. In active transport a special transport protein in the cell membrane picks up the useful particle on one side of the membrane. The transport protein then rotates through the membrane and releases the particle on the other side of the membrane. This uses energy from cellular respiration.

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hope it helped!

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B(The mating season is different.
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B. senators
C. the Speaker of the House
D. the vice president
E. majority leaders


I believe the correct answer from the choices listed above is option B. It is the senators who has the right to unlimited debate and unlimited opportunity to offer amendments in Congress. Senators have two freedoms that no other legislators possess. These two freedoms are unlimited debate and an unlimited opportunity to offer amendments.
The answers is B the senators

Cell is to cytoplasm as mitochondria is to


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