Give examples of how low and high levels of radiation can each be helpful.


Answer 1
Answer: Visible light
Low frequency waves
Radio waves
Remote controls
Cordless phones
And so on!
Hope this is helpfull! :D

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Which property determines an atom's ability to attract electrons shared in a chemical bond?


Electronegativty is what determines how an atom would bond and its need to form a stable octet. 

FILL IN THE BLANK. HELPPPP!Weak bases react with _______ to form the hydroxide ion and the conjugate _______ of the base. Concentration in solution does not affect whether an acid or a base is _______ or weak.
The strength of an acid or a base is determined by the _______ of the substance in solution.

The acid dissociation constant, _______, is a quantitative measure of acid strength. A strong acid has a much _______ Ka than a weak acid. The Ka of an acid is determined from measured _______ values.
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Answer :The corrected answer is given below;

Weak bases react with water to form the hydroxide ion and the conjugate acidof the base. Concentration in solution does not affect whether an acid or a base is strong or weak.

The strength of an acid or a base is determined by the dissociation constant of the substance in solution.

The acid dissociation constant, Ka, is a quantitative measure of acid strength. A strong acid has a much higher Ka than a weak acid. The Ka of an acid is determined from measured titration values.

Hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid are completely ionized in solution and are strong acids. Ethanoic acid, which is only about 1 percent ionized, is a weak acid. Magnesium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide are strong base.





dissociation constant









Weak bases react with water to form the hydroxide ion and the conjugate acid of the base. Concentration in solution does not affect whether an acid or a base is strong or weak.

The strength of an acid or a base is determined by the dissociation constant (ka /Kb) of the substance in solution.

The acid dissociation constant, Ka, is a quantitative measure of acid strength. A strong acid has a much higher Ka than a weak acid. The Ka of an acid is determined from measured titration values.

Hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid are completely ionized in solution and are strong acids. Ethanoic acid, which is only about 1 percent ionized, is a weak acid. Magnesium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide are strong base.

Over-encouraging lesser skilled players can lead to embarrassment.
a. True
b. False


Answer: Option (a) is correct.


A person with less skills needs to work more or practice more on his abilities in order to improve their athletic ability to build a stronger team.

Over encouragement to lesser skilled person can lead to the development of over confidence. As after over encouragement, the less skilled person can have the illusion of knowing each and everything which is not true for anyone.

As no one is perfect, therefore, over-encouraging lesser skilled players can lead to embarrassment.

My answer would be a. True

A transmutation reaction must always involve a(n) ____.a. change in the number of electrons in the atom
b. decrease in the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
c. increase in the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
d. change in the number of protons in a nucleus of an atom


A transmutation reaction must always involve a change in the number of protons in a nucleus of an atom. A transmutation reaction involves a change in the structure of atomic nuclei and hence may be induced by a nuclear reaction. The correct answer is letter "D." I hope this helps. 

Answer: Option (d) is the correct answer.


Transmutation is a process which brings changes in the nucleus occur because of change in the number of protons of an atom. Therefore, the atom  formed will have different properties from its parent atom.

For example, ^(27)_(13)Al + ^(4)_(2)He \rightarrow ^(30)_(15)P + ^(1)_(0)n

A transmutation can be natural or artificial in nature.

Thus, we can conclude that a transmutation reaction must always involve a change in the number of protons in a nucleus of an atom.

Which of these following have a positive charges


Talking about ions, a cation has a positive charge. That means a positive charge is gained by an atom that gives out electrons. 

Which law states that the volume and absolute temperature of a fixed quantity of gas are directly proportional under constant pressure conditions?


\boxed{{\text{Charles's law}}} states that volume occupied by a fixed quantity of a gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature (Kelvin) at constant pressure.

Further Explanation:

Charles’s law:

Charles’s work showed that at constant pressure, the volume-temperature relationship for a fixed amount of gas is linear. In other words, Charles’s law can be stated that at constant pressure, the volume occupied by a fixed amount of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature (Kelvin). This relationship is known as Charles’s law.

The mathematical representation of Charles’s law is,

{\mathbf{V}} \propto {\mathbf{T}}                   [P and n are constant]


  • V is volume occupied by the fixed quantity of gas.
  • T is the temperature of a gas.
  • P is the pressure of a gas.
  • n denotes the number of moles of gas.

The relationship can also be expressed as,

\frac{{\mathbf{V}}}{{\mathbf{T}}}{\mathbf{ = constant}}                                    [P and n are constant]


\frac{{{{\mathbf{V}}_{\mathbf{1}}}}}{{{{\mathbf{T}}_{\mathbf{1}}}}}{\mathbf{ = }}\frac{{{{\mathbf{V}}_{\mathbf{2}}}}}{{{{\mathbf{T}}_{\mathbf{2}}}}}                      [P and n are constant]

Results of Charles’s law are as follows:

  • At constant pressure, if the volume of gas increases then the temperature also increases.
  • At constant pressure, if the volume of gas decreases then the temperature also decreases.

The volume (L) versus temperature (T) curve of Charles’s law is represented in the attached diagram.

Learn more:

1. Law of conservation of matter states:

2. Calculation of volume of gas:

Answer details:

Grade: Senior School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Ideal gas of equation

Keywords: Charles’s law, volume, temperature, pressure, volume temperature relationship, absolute temperature, constant pressure, relationship, V directly proportional to T, ideal gas, ideal gas equation number of moles, moles.

Charles's Law states that the volume and absolute temperature of a fixed quantity of gas are directly proportional under constant pressure conditions

Further explanation

There are several gas equations in various processes:

  • 1. The general ideal gas equation

PV = nRT

PV = NkT

N = number of gas particles

n = number of moles

R = gas constant (8,31.10 ^ 3 J / kmole K

k = Boltzmann constant (1,38.10 ^ -23)

n = = N / No

n = m / M

n = mole

No = Avogadro number (6.02.10 ^ 23)

m = mass

M = relative molecular mass

  • 2. Avogadro's hypothesis

In the same temperature and pressure, in the same volume conditions, the gas contains the same number of molecules

So it applies: the ratio of gas volume will be equal to the ratio of gas moles

V1: V2 = n1: n2

2. Boyle's Law

At a fixed temperature, the gas volume is inversely proportional to the pressure applied

p1.V1 = p2.V2

  • 3. Charles's Law

When the gas pressure is kept constant, the gas volume is proportional to the temperature

V1 / T1 = V2 / T2

  • 4. Gay Lussac's Law

When the gas is heated in a tube whose volume does not change, the gas pressure in the tube is proportional to its absolute temperature

P1 / T1 = P2 / T2

  • 5. Law of Boyle-Gay-Lussac

Combined with Boyle's law and Gay Lussac's law

P1.V1 / T1 = P2.V2 / T2

P1 = initial gas pressure (N / m2 or Pa)

V1 = initial gas volume (m3)

P2 = gas end pressure

V2 = the final volume of gas

T1 = initial gas temperature (K)

T2 = gas end temperature

So the correct answer is Charles' Law, where at constant pressure, the volume of gas will be inversely proportional to its temperature

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Identify all of the gas law equations that relate to the ideal gas law

the ideal gas law

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