Thoreau believes that people should work because A. they love what they do.
B. it will keep them out of trouble.
C. it will give them time to think about important things.
D. God said so in the Bible.


Answer 1
Answer: it would be a. they love what they do.
Answer 2
Answer: Thoreau believes that people should work because they love what they do.
The answer is A.

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I and II

I and III


I and III i am pretty sure that is right 


See image



Lines 361–382: What does the dialogue between Dexter and Judy in these lines reveal about each character?



Dexter is a hardworking man who is also a big dreamer, he sees Judy as his inspiration but Judy on the other hand is flirtatious and callous.


In" winter Dreams" by F.Scott Fitzgerald, The character of Dexter Green is that of a big dreamer and a hard worker. After graduating from East Coast, He pursued a life as a successful businessman. since he has made a name for himself, He believes he can court Judy but Judy is not attracted to him her beauty and money makes her believe she has everything she wants but deep down she is unhappy. whereas Judy on the other hand is a spoiled lady who is self absorbed and  believes her beauty can get her any man that she wants She is just happy having Dexter hanging around as one of the many lovers that she has who she can kick to the curb anytime she wants. She is a very attractive woman and has men drooling over her and giving her attention throughout the story. She is callous and an aggressive woman.

Judy Jones symbolizes the epitome of "glittering things and glittering people " to Dexter. She was Dexter's fantasy. but Judy is flirtatious and uses men as she pleases. Dexter is an ambitious person who is attracted to wealth He soon realized Judy cannot be his . He is always fixated on the ideal life with Judy as his partner but as years passed by Judy lost her attractive looks.

Beethoven was one of the first composers to write music specifically for the ballet.


other composers music was used for ballet but wasn't actually meant for it. Beethoven was the first to actually compose for ballet.

Is the underlined participial phrase correctly placed or misplaced?Continuing to read the newspaper, my father ignored the ringing telephone.

Underlined words: Continuing to read the newspaper,

misplaced participial phrase

correctly placed participial phrase


The participial phrase given in the sentence is misplaced. The answer is option A. In the given sentence, the phrase becomes a dangling modifier because it does not clearly state what word it really modifies. So to correct it, the sentence should be, "My father, continuing to read the newspaper, ignored the ringing telephone". Now it is clear who the participial phrase is describing, which is "father".

Read this excerpt from The Iliad.(10 points)

First give thy faith, and plight a prince's word
Of sure protection, by thy power and sword;
For I must speak what wisdom would conceal,
And truths, invidious to the great, reveal,
Bold is the task, when subject, grown too wise
Instruct a monarch where his error lies;

The term invidious means likely to cause anger or upset. What ideas from the excerpt support this definition?

A. The monarch may become angry because his subject is pointing out the monarh's errors
B. The speaker is bold to speak the truth
C. The monarch has unwisely lied to the people of the kingdom
D. The speaker is trying to speak about something that many will not understand





I think it c because in the poem it says and truths, invidious to the great, reveal, bold is the task, when subject, grown too wise.

1) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. uses repetition to give his speech rhythm and momentum. (2) "Let freedom ring” is a phrase which is used many times in his speech. (3) "Let freedom ring” is a phrase that leads to an exciting conclusion.Which revision combines sentence 2 and sentence 3 most effectively?


The best revision to combine sentences two and three is this one:

"Let freedom ring” is a phrase which is used many times in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s speech that leads to an exciting conclusion.

In order to construct correct compound sentences, you should omit words that contribute to redundancy. 

(C) “Let freedom ring” is a phrase, and it is used to lead to an exciting conclusion many times.