Which is a fused sentence?A. Felicia likes to watch old movies and listen to old rock music.

B. Juanito likes to play drums that he makes out of old cans.

C. My dad doesn’t have a hobby he is too busy working.

D. I enjoy playing video games because they are so exciting.


Answer 1

The correct answer is C. My dad doesn’t have a hobby he is too busy working.


A sentence is considered as fused if the sentence contains two independent clauses together without proper punctuation such as a semicolon or a transition. This type of grammar error can be seen in "My dad doesn’t have a hobby he is too busy working" because in this sentence there are two independent sentences each with a subject, verb and even object/complement "My dad doesn’t have a hobby", and " he is too busy working" but there is no punctuation or transition between them.

Answer 2
Answer: The right answer is C. My dad doesn’t have a hobby he is too busy working. The fused sentence is when there are 2 closes in a sentence, but there is no punctuation, which is an error. 

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Anne Bradstreet's poems were greatly influenced by 'her religion'. She was very religious, which showed in her poetry. She wrote many religious poems.

Answer: I and II



Hould there be a comma before the highlighted word?illy Truscott's band needed a new drummer, so I
agreed to join.
Keep the Comma
Remove the Comma


Answer: Keep the Comma - The sentence flows better with the comma after "band," making it clear that Illy Truscott's band is the subject of the verb "needed."

Remove the Comma - Removing the comma could create confusion about who needed the drummer, as it might imply that someone else was searching for a new drummer. However, if the sentence were rewritten to make this clearer ("I agreed to join the search for a new drummer"), then removing the comma would be appropriate.


Keep the comma. In this sentence, so is acting as a coordinating conjunction that connects two independent clauses. An independent clause is a group of words that can stand on its own as a complete sentence. According to the web search results¹², when so is used as a coordinating conjunction, it should be preceded by a comma. A simple trick to test if so is a coordinating conjunction is to replace it with therefore and see if the meaning stays the same. For example:

Lily Truscott's band needed a new drummer, therefore I agreed to join.

This sentence has the same meaning as the original one, so we can conclude that so is a coordinating conjunction and needs a comma before it.

A category of literature or arta. Genre
b. Lyrics
c. Personification
d. Summary


A category of literature or art is Genre.

Thus, Character, story, storyline, and setting are the four components or factors that make up genre. The formula Story (Action) + Plot + Character + Setting = Genre can be used to recall the genre. This makes it simple to recall a genre's components.

A certain type of movie can be categorized by the aforementioned story, plot, setting, and character components. These components are examined in relation to how the diverse combinations of them result in various movie genres.

While some genres have as many sub-genres as comedy, some do not. The variations of the characters and the plot are what distinguish the various comedy subgenres from one another.

Thus, A category of literature or art is Genre.

Learn more about Genre, refer to the link:



What was a speakeasy?a. a place that illegally served alcohol during Prohibition
b. a town square where people could openly voice their complaints against the government
c. a device that was attached to a radio to get a better signal
d. a style of dancing during the 1920s


A. a place that illegally served alcohol during Prohibition

Which sentence does not contain any errors in comma usage? A. His new shoes look like big, brown torpedoes. B. The darker, thicker material will be better for the cushions. C. This is the best, and most interesting trip I've ever taken. D. This long tiring and sweaty hike is no fun any more.


I believe the right choice is A. His new shoes look like big, brown torpedoes.
I believe it is A.
 A. is correct. 
B. needs commas after thicker
Doesn't seem like it needs a comma
D. needs commas after long and tiring  

Who wrote serious essays about travel, truth, and riches?


It was Francis Bacon who wrote serious essays about travel, truth, and riches. He was a famous English philosopher, statesman, jurist, orator, and author. 
The english man who wrote about travel, truth and riches is Francis Bacon.
Francis Bacon was born on 1561 and died on year 1626. He was a philosopher, scientist and an author. Francis Bacon served as the Lord Chancellor of England,