Distance of Jupiter from sun in kilometers is km
The distance of Jupiter from sun in astronomical unit (AU)
One astronomical unit (AU) Kilometers
So, in order to convert AU into kilometers , the distance in AU should be multiplied with total kilometers in one unit of AU
Distance of Jupiter from sun in kilometers
a. True
b. False
The answer is A. TRUE
The lungs are made of fibrous tissue.
Hypercholesterolemia can be defined as the genetic disorder in which the patient have abnormally high levels of blood cholesterol. The family of Erin suffers from familial hypercholesterolemia, so every member of the family have to take better care of what they eat, and exercise regularly to keep their cholesterol levels in check. All the members of the family are prone to high cholesterol levels as this is a genetic disorder. Erin probably does not pay attention to her diet and exercise and thus, she have such high levels of cholesterol as compared to her family members.
Ammonites are squid like creatures that are named after theEgyptian god, Ammon. This extinct creature is an example of the punctuatedequilibrium. Ammonites are the ancestors of the cephalopods. These creaturesalso came from the bactries. In the punctuated equilibrium, the ammonites haveshown that they were able to evolve thru cladogenesis.