Diatomic gases such as H2(g), O2(g), and N2(g) contain ________ bonds.


Answer 1
Answer: Diatomic gases contain covalent bonds. Take for example hydrogen atoms. They have one electron, which leads to the electron configuration 1s. This atom will gain stability by sharing its electron valence with other equal atom which is also willing to gain stability by sharing its valence electron. Then two atoms of hydrogen share their valence electrons to form a diatomic molecule through a covalent bond.

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Identify which one of these are exact numbers. (Can be more than 1) a. 2.54 cm ( the number of centimeters in exactly 1 in)
b. 56.00 s ( a time measured by a stopwatch)
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Answer: a. 2.54 cm ( the number of centimeters in exactly 1 in) and c. 4 choices ( the number of choices in this list)


1) a. 2.54 cm ( the number of centimeters in exactly 1 in)

Although the exact length of one inch has varied in the past, currently the inch is defined as exactly 2.54 cm, so this is an exact number.

b. 56.00 s ( a time measured by a stopwatch)

The time measured by a stopwatch is not an exact number. The number is limited by the precision of the instrument (the stopwatch) and it migh have been 56.004 instead of 56.00, and the stopwatch cannot shoe that. So, this is not an exact number.

c. 4 choices ( the number of choices in this list)

This is, indeed an exact number. It is 4, not 4.1, nor 3.9, nor any other number.

d. 3 lbs ( the weight of an object measured on a scale )

As reasoned with the stopwatch, this measure, 3 lbs, is subject to the precision of the scale. It is not an exact number. It could be other number close to 3: 2.99 for example.

These are exact numbers: c. 4 choices ( the number of choices in this list)  and d. 3 lbs ( the weight of an object measured on a scale )

Further explanation

The exact number is a value that is known with complete certainty. Examples are counted numbers of objects or certain unit conversions such as exactly 3 feet in 1 yard. Another example is, a dozen is defined as 12 objects, and a pound is defined as 16 ounces.

Fraction an exact number is a fraction takes two integers and places them in a ratio, for example 3/4 or 10/15. A decimal can express the same numerical quantity, but it does so with a single number (like 0.75 or 0.66). So, the fraction makes the relationship among numbers clear in the way it is written.

While a decimal can express the same numerical quantity, but it does so with a single number (like 0.75 or 0.66).

a. 2.54 cm ( the number of centimeters in exactly 1 in) is decimal

b. 56.00 s ( a time measured by a stopwatch)  is not exact numbers

c. 4 choices ( the number of choices in this list)  is exact numbers

d. 3 lbs ( the weight of an object measured on a scale ) is exact numbers

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  1. Learn more about exact number brainly.com/question/1847531

Answer details

Grade:  9

Subject:  chemistry

Chapter:  exact number

Keywords: exact number

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Using the following thermochemical data, what is the change in enthalpy for the following reaction:3H2(g) + 2C(s) + ½O2(g) → C2H5OH(l)
C2H5OH(l)+3O2(g)→2CO2(g)+3H2O(l), ΔH = –1367 kJ/mol
C(s)+O2(g)→CO2(g), ΔH = –393.5 kJ
H2(g)+½O2(g)→H2O(l), ΔH = –285.8 kJ

a. -277.6 kJ/mol
b. -194.7 kJ/mol
c. 194.7 kJ/mol
d. 486 kJ/mol



The answer is a. -277.6 kJ/mol


We have to arrange and sum the given equations to obtain the desired reaction as follows:

3 H₂O(l) + 2 CO₂(g) → 3 O₂(g) + C₂H₅OH(l)       ΔH1= (-1) x (-1367 KJ/mol)

2 C(s) + 2 O₂(g)→ 2 CO₂(g)                    ΔH2= 2 x (-393.5 KJ/mol)

3 H₂(g) + 3/2 O₂(g) → 3 H₂O(l)               ΔH3= 3 x (-285.8 KJ/mol)

In the first equation (ΔH1) , we multiply the enthalphy by (-1) because we use the reverse reaction. In the second and third equations (ΔH2 and ΔH3), we multiply by 2 and 3, respectively. Once we sum and cancel the terms that are repeated in both sides of the reactions, we obtain:

3H₂(g) + 2C(s) + ½O₂(g) → C₂H₅OH(l)

The total enthalphy is:

ΔH= ΔH1 + ΔH2 + ΔH3

ΔH= (-1) x (-1367 KJ/mol) + 2 x (-393.5 KJ/mol) + 3 x (-285.8 KJ/mol)

ΔH= -277.4 KJ/mol

The nearest answer between the given options is option a (-277.6 KJ/mol)

The answer to this question is A

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