b. stabilizing selection
c. a mechanism of evolution
d. directional selection
An Absolute Monarchy or Dictatorial political system would have a supreme leader who holds ultimate power, ruling often for life with no checks or balances. Examples include historical monarchy or modern totalitarian dictatorships.
In the context of politicalsystems, a system known for having a supreme leader is the Absolute Monarchy or Dictatorial system. In such a system, the supreme leader holds ultimate power and often rules for life. The leader's word is law, and there are typically no checks or balances to their power. Many such leaders pass their position onto their offspring, creating a dynasty. Examples include, historically, the kings of France and England, or more recently, Kim Jong-Un of North Korea, who is an example of a supreme leader in a totalitarian dictatorship.
These actions all indicate that the people of Tikopia Island truly practiced sustainability.