What was significant about the creation of the Dominion of New England?


Answer 1
Answer: One of the most significant things about the creation of the Dominion of New England was that many colonists highly resented it since it stripped them of many rights. This was a precursor to larger colonial resistance. 

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There is a lot of reason why railroads from east to west were not built straight. Mountains are the number 1 reason why. Since there are a lot of mountains in between east and west, it would be hard for them to create a straighter railroad. Lakes, rivers and any other circumstances also affected this construction. This railroad also served as the link from each places for their trading. That’s why it was not built straight since it needs to connect from different places for their trading reason.

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Germany and Austria-Hungary by the Dual alliance

Final answer:

World War I was marked by the alliance between the Central Powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. The Allied Powers on the other side were majorly United Kingdom, France, and Russia, with the US and Italy joining in later.


During World War I, countries were bound to each other by two major alliances, the Central Powers and the Allied Powers. The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire (present-day Turkey), and Bulgaria. On the other hand, the Allied Powers were mainly composed of United Kingdom, France, Russia (till 1917) and later joined by the United States, Italy and several others. These alliances played a significant role in the progression and outcome of World War I.

Learn more about Alliances in World War I here:



How did the geography of africa affect the value of trade goods


Africa is a large continent and remote location is common in every african country. There are deserts, jungle and mountains. These reduce the hability to supply large cities inland. Because of the geography of the land, it is harder to import and export goods, thus leading to stock prices of goods to go up.

What type of geologic evidence provides the greatest support for hypothesis that eastern coast of south america was joined with the western coast of africa



Continental drift and Fossil evidence


What type of geologic evidence provides the greatest support for hypothesis that eastern coast of south america was joined with the western coast of africa

Continental drift and Fossil evidence with additional evidence for Pangaea is found in both eastern coast of south america and western coast of Africa. The hypothesis of continental drift in 1911 was introduced by Wegener

Final answer:

The greatest supportive evidence of the hypothesis that South America and Africa were once joined comes from shared rock formations, fossil records, and distributions of similar species between the two continents.


The strongest geologic evidence in support of the hypothesis that the eastern coast of South America was once joined with the western coast of Africa comes from studying the continuity of rock formations, fossil records, and distribution of similar animal and plant species across the two continents.

Firstly, there is a clear match in the rock types and ages between parts of these two continents. The rock formations and geologic structures along the coastlines of South America and Africa align almost perfectly when the continents are put together, suggesting that they were once part of the same land mass.

Secondly, fossil evidence also supports this theory. There are numerous instances of matching fossil species found on both continents, including the extinct fern-like species Glossopteris, which wouldn’t have been possible if the continents were always separated.

Lastly, the distribution of similar animal and plant species found across both continents also provides supporting evidence of their past connection.

Learn more about Continental Drift here:



Why did Texans declare independence from mexico in 1836? Can someone be nice enough to help me please !!


Texas was previously under the power of Mexico's dictator, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. the Texonians already wanted to be free from Mexico, but what sealed the deal was the settlers in America wanting to expand their land, leaving Texas with the hope of being accepted by America as one of their states. even though Andrew Jackson (Americas president at the time) didn't want to annex Texas because of the chances of firing up any more conflicts between Mexico and America, the people of the US urged Texas to become independent so that it COULD be annexed to the united states.

Immediately upon his election, what short-term solution did Franklin Roosevelt use to end the run on bank withdrawals? Select one:
a. fireside chat
b. bank holiday
c. Glass-Steagall Act
d. Federal Securities Act


The best answer is B. Immediately upon his election, the short-term solution that Franklin Roosevelt used to end the run on bank withdrawals was a "bank holiday". All Washington State banks were closed and there was a declaration of a three-day holiday. By doing so, it was impossible for people to withdraw funds.

The correct answer is B.  Franklin Roosevelt used the bank holidays, imposed through the Emergency Banking Act, to end the run on bank withdrawals.

The Emergency Banking Act was a law passed by the United States Congress, proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression in the early days of its mandate, on March 9, 1933.

The Law formulated a plan according to which all banks of manifest insolvency were definitively closed, allowing operations only to banks that proved to be sufficiently solvent to sustain themselves. Only the latter could open their doors again after the National Bank Holiday of four days decreed by President Roosevelt from 9 to 13 March 1933.

The law went into effect along with a guarantee from the Federal Reserve to provide funds to solvent banks that could reopen, which in fact caused the federal government to insure 100% of bank deposits. This confidence caused that when the banks reopened on March 13 of 1933, the depositors returned to deposit their funds in these, in sharp contrast with the massive deposit withdrawals that had happened in previous months.