b. regional chiefs.
c. religious leaders.
d. his favorite warriors.
a. his sons.
When he died it was divided among his sons.
The Haymarket Affair also called the Haymarket Massacre began as a peaceful rally that aimed to support workers that were striking for 8 hour working day. The problem was that the police came and killed one person and injured several others. This caused revolt, one person threw a bomb that killed seven police officers. The aftermath was that 8 people were convicted of conspiracy and seven were sentenced to death and other to 15 years in prison.
The Homestead Strike or Homestead was a strike held by the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers against the Carnegie Steel. The Association was able to gain a good wage for workers and good work rules. But Carnegie wanted to low the costs of production by breaking the union by stepping up production demands and when the Association refused to accept them they locked workers out of the plant. Thousand of strikers reunited and some of them were armed, they had a battle and later surrendered and nine strikers and seven Pinkertons were killed some were injured. The aftermath was that this strike inspired others and many workers.
The Pullman Strike was a strike that happened nationwide and was led by railroad workers, a quarter-million workers were on strike and the strike affected the nation so much that it shut down the railroads and most of the American business. The reason for the strike was that the companies cut wages. Because of that, the government sent federal troops to crush the strike, 26 civilians were killed, others were arrested. The aftermath was that this strike was a turning point for Us labor law and put a milestone on the use of federal courts to curtail union activity in America.
Causes and effect of the Haymarket Affair, Homestead Strike, and Pullman Strike:
b. were active from the early 1700s.
c. were a response to Spanish tariffs.
d. were pursued by Charles II after 1685.
a. were active from the early 1600s.
Mercantilism refers to the government policy to control economic affairs for the purpose of increasing the economic wealth. Mercantilism later gave way to colonization as the nation's economic interest was based on the colonies especially in the case of Britain. Britain's mercantilism policy included expansion of native merchant fleet, protect the domestic market and accumulation of as much money as possible.