In a play, the rising action consists of the events that lead up to the a. last line in the scene
b. climax
c. external conflict
d. internal conflict


Answer 1
Answer: The rising action, which follows the expositions, comes just before the climax.
Answer 2

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A sample originally contained 1.28 g of a radioisotope. It now contains 1.12 g of its daughter isotope. How many half-lives have passed since the sample originally formed?



The answer is 3.

The relation between number of half-lives (n) and decimal amount remaining (x) can be expressed as:

(1/2) ^(n) =x

We need to calculate n, but we need x to do that. To calculate what percentage of a radioactive species would be found as daughter material, we must calculate what amount remained:
1.28 -
 1.12 = 0.16

If 1.28 is 100%, how much percent is 0.16:
1.28 : 100% = 0.16 : x
x = 12.5% 
Presented as decimal amount:
x = 0.125

Now, let's implement this in the equation: 

(1/2) ^(n) =0.125

Because of the exponent, we will log both sides of the equation:
n * log(1/2) = log(0.125)
n = (log(0.125))/(log(1/2))
n = (log(0.125))/(log(0.5))
n= (-0.903)/(-0.301)
n = 3

Therefore, 3 half-lives have passed  since the sample originally formed.




Is it easier to form a positive ion with an element that has a high ionization energy or element that has a low ionization energy? Explain.


Think about it.  Considering ionisation energy is the energy required to remove a single electron from the valence shell of an element in the ground state, the less energy it takes, the easier it is to remove.  

Final answer:

It's easier for elements with low ionization energy to form cations. Examples include elements in the first group of the periodic table such as Lithium and Sodium. As more electrons are removed from an atom, the ionization energy increases due to stronger electrostatic attraction.


In the context of ion formation, it is easier for an element with low ionization energy to form a positive ion or a cation. Ionization energy is the minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom in its ground state. Elements with low ionization energy can easily lose an electron to form cations as the energy required to remove the electron is not high.

For example, elements in the first group of the periodic table, such as Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), and Potassium (K), have relatively low ionization energies and thus, easily lose their one valence electron to form cations. On the contrary, elements with high ionization energies have a stronger hold on their electrons and are thus less likely to lose an electron and form a positive ion.

Furthermore, the successive ionization energies for a single element always increase. This is because removing an electron from an already positively charged ion or cation requires more energy due to the stronger electrostatic attraction that the ion has for its electrons. This makes it progressively harder to remove additional electrons, and create ions with higher positive charges.

Learn more about Ion Formation here:


Explain a condensation and a hydrolysis reaction.




Condensation Reaction:

A condensation reaction, also known as a dehydration synthesis reaction, is a chemical process in which two molecules combine to form a larger molecule, while a smaller molecule, such as water, is produced as a byproduct. In a condensation reaction, two functional groups, often one containing an -OH group (hydroxyl group) and the other containing an -H group (hydrogen atom), react with each other.

The reaction typically involves the removal of a water molecule (-H2O) to form a covalent bond between the two molecules. This process is commonly seen in the formation of complex organic molecules, such as the synthesis of proteins and the formation of carbohydrates like disaccharides. For example, in the formation of a disaccharide like sucrose (table sugar), a condensation reaction combines a glucose molecule with a fructose molecule, and a water molecule is eliminated in the process.

Hydrolysis Reaction:

A hydrolysis reaction is the reverse of a condensation reaction. In a hydrolysis reaction, a covalent bond in a large molecule is broken by the addition of a water molecule. This process results in the breakdown of the larger molecule into two or more smaller molecules. In essence, the water molecule is used to cleave the bond between the two subunits of the larger molecule.

Hydrolysis reactions are common in the digestion of complex molecules in living organisms. For example, when you eat carbohydrates (like starch) or proteins, the body uses hydrolysis reactions to break down these complex molecules into their constituent monomers (glucose for carbohydrates and amino acids for proteins). Enzymes in the digestive system facilitate hydrolysis reactions, making these large molecules more easily absorbed and utilized by the body.

In summary, a condensation reaction joins molecules together by removing a water molecule, while a hydrolysis reaction breaks down molecules by adding a water molecule to split the bond between their subunits. These processes play critical roles in various biochemical and synthetic pathways in living organisms and chemistry.

Final answer:

Condensation or dehydration synthesis is a reaction where two molecules bond, releasing a water molecule. Hydrolysis involves a water molecule breaking down a compound's bonds. These reactions often occur during the formation or breakdown of larger molecular structures.


A condensation reaction, also known as dehydration synthesis, involves the bonding of two reactants where one gives up a hydrogen atom, and the other gives up a hydroxyl group (OH). These form a covalent bond, and a molecule of water is released as a byproduct.

On the other hand, hydrolysis involves the breaking of a compound's bonds by a water molecule, which is split into H and OH. This results in one portion of the split compound bonding with the hydrogen atom, and the other with the hydroxyl group.

As an analogy, in the formation of macromolecules, individual smaller units called monomers (like beads in a necklace) can join together to form a polymer (the completed necklace). During this process, a water molecule is released - this is condensation or dehydration synthesis. When the necklace is taken apart, a water molecule is consumed - this is hydrolysis.

Learn more about Condensation and Hydrolysis reactions here:


Use the periodic table to calculate the molar mass of each of the following compounds. Each answer must have 2 decimal places. Ammonia (NH3): g/mol Magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2): g/mol Iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3): g/mol.



Answer  in picture


Final answer:

To calculate the molar mass of a compound, sum the atomic masses of all atoms in the compound. Ammonia has a molar mass of 17.04 g/mol, magnesium hydroxide has a molar mass of 58.33 g/mol, and iron(III) oxide has a molar mass of 159.70 g/mol.


Calculating Molar Mass

To calculate the molar mass of a compound, you sum the atomic masses of each individual element present in the compound, multiplied by the number of each of those atoms in the formula.

Ammonia (NH3): The atomic mass of nitrogen (N) is approximately 14.01 g/mol and hydrogen (H) is approximately 1.01 g/mol. Since ammonia contains one nitrogen atom and three hydrogen atoms, its molar mass would be (14.01 g/mol) + 3 × (1.01 g/mol) = 17.04 g/mol.

Magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2): The atomic mass of magnesium (Mg) is approximately 24.31 g/mol, oxygen (O) is approximately 16.00 g/mol, and hydrogen (H) is again 1.01 g/mol. Magnesium hydroxide has one magnesium atom, two oxygen atoms, and two hydrogen atoms. Thus, its molar mass is (24.31 g/mol) + 2 × (16.00 g/mol) + 2 × (1.01 g/mol) = 58.33 g/mol.

Iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3): The atomic mass of iron (Fe) is approximately 55.85 g/mol and oxygen (O) is 16.00 g/mol. Iron(III) oxide consists of two iron atoms and three oxygen atoms, giving a molar mass of 2 × (55.85 g/mol) + 3 × (16.00 g/mol) = 159.70 g/mol.

Learn more about Molar Mass here:


An isotope remains unchanged by the emission of a gamma ray, which is a(n) __________.



The answer to your question is photon. An isotope remains unchanged by the emission of a gamma ray, which is a (an) photon123. A photon is a particle of light or electromagnetic radiation that has no mass and no electric charge4. A gamma ray is a type of photon that has the highest energy and frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum4. Gamma rays are emitted by the nuclei of some radioactive atoms when they undergo a nuclear rearrangement or decay4. Gamma ray emission causes no change in the number of particles in the nucleus, meaning both the atomic number and mass number remain the same23. Therefore, an isotope does not change its identity or mass when it emits a gamma ray, but only releases some excess energy as a photon. I hope this answer helps you understand the concept of gamma ray emission better.

A brick measures 25 cm by 12 cm by 13 cm. What is the volume of the brick in cm3? How many millilitters of water would this brick displace?



Volume of brick = 3900 cm3 = 3.9*10^3 cm3

Volume of water displaced = 3900 ml = 3.9*10^3 ml



Dimension of the brick = 25 cm, 12 cm, 13 cm

To determine:

a) Volume of the brick

b) Volume (ml) of water displaced by the brick


a) Volume of the brick (cube) is expressed as a product of the dimensions

Volume = length (l)*width(w)*height(h)

Volume = 25cm*12cm*13 cm = 3900cm^(3) = 3.9*10^(3) cm^(3)

b) The volume of water displaced is equal to  the volume of the brick.

Since, 1 ml = 1 cm3

Therefore, volume of water displaced = 3900 ml = 3.9*10^3 ml

25 cm x 12 cm x 13 cm = 3900 cm^3 Water has a density of 1 mL/cm^3, so the brick would displace 3900 mL of water.