Why are Shakespeare's plays considered difficult for modern students to understand?a. The plays were written to address issues that are no longer important in modern times.
b. The plays use rhyming verse that modern students find childish and annoying.
c. Some lines don't make sense because they were translated from another language.


Answer 1
Answer: I'm not sure if his plays were translated or not, but often times they are considered difficult, because they use a different form of English that is not spoken anymore. 
Answer 2


i am pretty sure its c too


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" D. This is a very reliable model, and requires little or no maintenance" would be the best option, since the two segments of the sentence are rather unrelated and should be separated with an "and". 
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Final answer:

Based on the exploration of Mrs. Pontellier's struggles and transformation in The Awakening, it is most likely that she will make fewer attempts to conform to societal norms and domestic roles.


Based on the themes emerging in The Awakening by Kate Chopin, the most likely prediction would be that Mrs. Pontellier will make fewer and fewer attempts to fit into the domestic roles assigned to her by society. The novel explores the struggles and sexual desires of a woman, Mrs. Pontellier, who is constrained within the traditional roles of marriage and societal expectations. It indicates her rebellion against these confines and portrays her desire for personal fulfillment.

Similar to Calixta in Chopin's short story 'The Storm,' Mrs. Pontellier's actions suggest a growing awareness and self-transformation that veer away from an acceptance of society's norms and towards authentic self-expression. The novel consistently illustrates her progressive decline towards domestic roles and increasing discomfort with societal norms.

The prediction that Mrs. Pontellier might retreat further from her domestic roles is based on this exploration and the thematic undertones of womanhood and independence. Thus, rather than conforming more rigidly to the domestic roles assigned to her, we might expect the opposite to be true as she views her societal roles as oppressive and restrictive.

Learn more about Women's roles here:



Which sentence correctly uses a colon? I edited the article and found: comma splices, sentence fragments, and misplaced modifiers. Anna was happy: to go skiing with her sister. Talia decided that: she would accept admission into New York University over Harvard University. I made just one request for the camping trip: I wanted to stay in a cabin instead of a tent. This is what they told me: Because the apartment was too small, and cold for them.


A colon is mostly used to show that you are going to make a list of things after the comma. So, having that in mind, the correct answer is the first option - I edited the article and found: comma splices, sentence fragments, and misplaced modifiers. 
You listed three things here, therefore you have to put a colon. If you are going to mention only one thing, like in the other examples, a colon is not needed.

Final answer:

The sentence 'I made just one request for the camping trip: I wanted to stay in a cabin instead of a tent.' correctly uses a colon to introduce an idea directly related to the independent clause preceding it.


The correct sentence using a colon in your examples is: 'I made just one request for the camping trip: I wanted to stay in a cabin instead of a tent.' The colon is used correctly here because it introduces a list of items or an idea that directly relates to the independent clause preceding it. By contrast, in other sentences, the colon is not used correctly as it either disrupts the flow of the sentence or doesn't follow an independent clause. For instance, in 'Anna was happy: to go skiing with her sister' , 'Anna was happy' is an independent clause, but 'to go skiing with her sister' is not an idea directly related, it is just supplementary information.

Learn more about Use of colon here:



Identify the subordinate clause and tell if it is used as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Click on the blue box until the correct answer appears. The 4-H Club is looking for students who are loyal and industrious.


Answer: The subordinate clause in the sentence is "who are loyal and industrious" and it is used as an adjective.

Explanation: A subordinate clause is a clause that cannot stand alone as a sentence because it does not express a full thought. Moreover, there are three types of subordinate clauses: noun clauses, adjective clauses and adverbial clauses. In the sentence provided, the subordinate clause is "who are loyal and industrious", which has been introduced by the relative pronoun "who". Furthermore, it is an adjective clause since it is being used as an adjective: "who are loyal and industrious" is describing a noun, that is to say the antecedent "students".

The subordinate clause is "who are loyal and industrious" and it is used as an adjective.

Hope it helps. Cheers :)

Based on this excerpt from the poem "The Solitary Reaper" by William Wordsworth, what can be determined about the speaker and the singing solitary reaper?No Nightingale did ever chaunt1
More welcome notes to weary bands
Of travellers in some shady haunt,
Among Arabian sands:
A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard
In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird,
Breaking the silence of the seas
Among the farthest Hebrides2.
Will no one tell me what she sings?--
Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow
For old, unhappy, far-off things,
And battles long ago:
Or is it some more humble lay,
Familiar matter of to-day?
Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,
That has been, and may be again?
1 sing
2 a large archipelago off the west coast of Scotland, composed of the oldest rocks in the British Isles
1)They are lovers who are meeting in secret.
2)They are both lost and confused.
3)They do not speak the same language.
4)They are enemies who hate each other.


The correct answer is this one: "1)They are lovers who are meeting in secret." The excerpt from the poem "The Solitary Reaper" by William Wordsworth, can be determined about the speaker and the singing solitary reaper is that they are lovers who are meeting in secret because of some circumstance.

How does the figurative language in these lines develop a theme of the poem?Shall worms, inheritors of this excess,
Eat up thy charge? Is this thy body's end?
Then soul, live thou upon thy servant's loss
And let that pine to aggravate thy store;
Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross;
Within be fed, without be rich no more.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented is this one: "1. It refers to the decomposition of a dead body." The figurative language in these lines develop a theme of the poem by referring to the decomposition of a dead body.

Here are the following choices:
1. It refers to the decomposition of a dead body.
2. It describes the suffering of the soul.
3. It emphasizes the advancement of the soul.
4. It reflects the miseries of the speaker.

Sonnet 146 discusses the relationship between souls and bodies. It invites the reader to cultivate the soul as opposed to decorating the body. More importantly, it states that worrying about physical beauty can only be done at the expense of the soul. The figurative language of these lines help develop this theme. The speaker addresses the soul and urges it to neglect the body and instead focus on its own enrichment. In these lines, the speaker invites the soul to reach towards heaven (Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross) and ignore other petty preoccupations.