What is the acceleration of all objects due to gravity? What does this mean?


Answer 1
Answer: Every body that has larger mass has a field of attraction called gravitational field. All objects abandoned in the region of this great body is attracted to its center. The large body prints the object an acceleration which is called the acceleration of gravity.
Answer 2
Answer: Gravity acts on everything. The force if gravity is equal to 9.8 m/s^2

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You are giventhe mass of an object which is 3.00 kilograms. Also, you are given the energyexerted by the object at 300 Joules. You are required to find the height ordistance travelled by your object. You need to know that potential energy isequal to the mass times the gravitational force times the height of the object.Let us denote P as our energy, m as the mass of the object, g as thegravitational force and h as the height. So, 

P = mgh
h = P/mg
h = (300 J)/(3kg)(9.8066m/s2)
h = 10.2 m

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Ep = mgh

given that,

m = 15kg

h= 20m


g = 9.81 m/s^2

Ep= 15 × 9.81 × 20

Ep= 2943J

Cliff divers at Acapulco jump into the sea from a cliff $30.7 m$ high. At the level of the sea, a rock sticks out a horizontal distance of $9.34 m$.The acceleration of gravity is $9.8 m / s ^{2}$.
With what minimum horizontal velocity must the cliff divers leave the top of the cliff if they are to miss the rock?
Answer in units of $m / s$.



To solve this problem, we can use the kinematic equation for horizontal motion, which relates the initial velocity ($v_{0}$), final velocity ($v_{f}$), acceleration ($a$), and displacement ($d$) of an object:

$d = v_{0} t + \frac{1}{2}at^{2}$

In this case, we want to find the minimum initial velocity ($v_{0}$) that the divers must have to clear the rock. To do this, we can assume that the divers just graze the rock at the start of their trajectory, so the displacement in the horizontal direction is equal to the distance from the cliff to the rock ($d = 9.34 m$). We also know that the acceleration in the horizontal direction is zero, so the only force acting on the divers is gravity in the vertical direction, which gives an acceleration of $a = 9.8 m/s^{2}$.

At the instant the divers leave the cliff, they have zero horizontal velocity, so $v_{0} = 0$. We can use the equation above to solve for the time it takes for the divers to fall from the cliff to the level of the rock:

$d = \frac{1}{2}at^{2} \Rightarrow t = \sqrt{\frac{2d}{a}}$

Plugging in the numbers, we get:

$t = \sqrt{\frac{2(9.34 m)}{9.8 m/s^{2}}} \approx 1.44 s$

Since the cliff divers want to clear the rock, they need to travel a horizontal distance of at least $9.34 m$ during this time. We can use the equation for horizontal motion again to solve for the minimum initial velocity:

$d = v_{0}t \Rightarrow v_{0} = \frac{d}{t} = \frac{9.34 m}{1.44 s} \approx 6.49 m/s$

Therefore, the minimum horizontal velocity that the cliff divers must have to clear the rock is approximately $6.49 m/s$.

Dogs are able to hear much higher frequencies than humans are capable of detecting. For this reason, dog whistles that are inaudible to the human ear can be heard easily by a dog. If a dog whistle has a frequency of 30000 Hz, what is the wavelength of the sound emitted? 


The wavelength of the sound emitted is 3.33 x 10⁵ m.

What is wavelength?

The wavelength is the distance between the adjacent crest or trough of the sinusoidal wave. The wavelength is the reciprocal of the frequency of the wave.

Wavelength λ = 1/f

If a dog whistle has a frequency of 30000 Hz, then the wavelength will be

λ = 1/f

λ = 1/30000

λ = 3.33 x 10⁵ m

Thus, the wavelength of the sound of dog emitted is 3.33 x 10⁵ m

Learn more about wavelength.



Wavelength = 1/frequency thus wavelength =1/30000

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Peregrine falcons frequently grab prey birds from the air, as BI0 in Example 9.10. Sometimes they strike at high enough speeds that the force of the impact disables prey birds. A 480 g per- egrine falcon high in the sky spies a 240 g pigeon some dis- tance below. The falcon slows to a near stop, then goes into ve-called a stoop-and picks up speed as she falls. The n reaches a vertical speed of 45 m/s before striking the pigeon, which we can assume is stationary. The falcon strikes the pigeon and grabs it in her talons. The collision between the falco birds lasts 0.015 s. a. What is the final speed of the falcon and pigeon? b. What is the average force on the pigeon during the impact?


A) 30 m/s

The problem can be solved by using the law of conservation of momentum. In fact, the total momentum falcon+pigeon before the collision must be equal to the total momentum falcon+pigeon after the collision:

p_i = p_f

m_f u_f + m_p u_p = (m_f + m_p) v


mf = 0.480 g is the mass of the falcon

uf = 45 m/s is the initial velocity of the falcon

mp = 0.240 g is the mass of the pigeon

up = 0 is the initial velocity of the pigeon

v is the final combined velocity of pigeon+falcon

Solving the equation for v, we find

p=(m_f u_f)/(m_f +m_p)=((0.480 kg)(45 m/s))/(0.480 kg+0.240 kg)=30 m/s

B) 480 N

The average force on the pigeon during the impact is given by

F=(\Delta p)/(\Delta t)


\Delta p is the change in momentum of the pigeon

\Delta t is the duration of the collision

here we have:

- Change in momentum of the pigeon:

\Delta p = m (v-u)=(0.240 kg)(30 m/s-0)=7.2 kg m/s

- Duration of the collision:

\Delta t=0.015 s

So the average force is

F=(7.2 kg m/s)/(0.015 s)=480 N

Final answer:

To determine the final speed of the falcon and pigeon, we need to use the principles of conservation of momentum. To calculate the average force on the pigeon during the impact, we can use the equation for impulse. The primary topic of this question is conservation of momentum and impulse.


To determine the final speed of the falcon and pigeon, we need to use the principles of conservation of momentum. Since the pigeon is assumed to be stationary, its initial momentum is zero. The final momentum of the falcon and pigeon combined must also be zero, according to the law of conservation of momentum. Using the equations for momentum and rearranging, we can solve for the final speed of both the falcon and pigeon.

To calculate the average force on the pigeon during the impact, we can use the equation for impulse, which is the change in momentum. Impulse is equal to force multiplied by the time of impact. Rearranging the equation, we can solve for force.

Learn more about Conservation of Momentum and Impulse here:
