PLEASE HELP ME WITH THISCurrent Events: Find something in the news this week that relates to one of the 27 amendments. Explain the event that just occurred and tell which amendment covers that type of incident


Answer 1
Answer: The First Amendment to the Constitution gives all citizens the freedom of speech. However, not a proposed plan, net neutrality, can hinder the internet as an outlet to free speech. This proposal, if enacted, will force companies to filter their own sites and data. This will allow service providers to charge organizations for "better service". In turn, this makes smaller organizations who cannot afford these fees lose a large audience. This will make the internet lose it current status as a free territory, and become a system ran by large-scale corporations.

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Concerned about the catholic minority in Maryland Leonard Calvert ordered the second lord Baltimore to?A-send to Europe for more catholic priests.
B-issue s decree requiring religious toleration in Maryland.
C-make a law requiring Catholics to practice their faith Quietly and privately.
D-encourage members of the church of England to become Catholics.



make a law requiring Catholics to practice their faith Quietly and privately.


Maryland  was named  after Henrietta Maria who was the catholic queen in England .There was fear that the protestant  might restrict catholic liberties and this made the Hose of delegates to pass the Maryland Act of Toleration which granted religious freedom to all Christians. And concerning about the catholic minority in Maryland Leonard Calvert ordered the second lord Baltimore to make a law requiring Catholics to practice their faith Quietly and privately.

Who urged Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act as part of his vision for a “Great Society”? Martin Luther King Jr. John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson George Wallace


The correct answer is C. Lyndon B. Johnson.

Lyndon B. Johnson urged the congress to pass the act of civil rights which were part of his vision for Great Society.

Lyndon was the 36th United States president from being a vice president. He was a leader of majority in the senate and representative in the united states.

He designed all legislation on the great society in domestic policy which expanded medicaid , medicare, public broadcasting, rural development, public services, civil rights, war on education, and aid to education.

During his administration many americans who were poor were raised up to poverty line.

Racial discrimination for public facilities were banned because of the bill of civil rights which as signed in to law by Lyndon.


C.  Lyndon B. Johnson


What was a common policy feature of the Republican presidents in the 1920s? A.
support for progressive domestic policies

laissez-faire economic policies

reliance on imports to stimulate the economy

interference in foreign affairs


The Republican policy of 1920 of all American presidents contributed to the economic boom.  

  • Tariffs were set by the republicans and import duties that made it expensive for foreign goods and protected the American companies from the competition and allowed them to grow.

Hence the option A is correct.

Learn more about the was a common policy feature.

B laissez faire economics

The Songhay Empire replaced the JenneMoroccanGhanaMali Empire.


The answer to the question presented above would be the 'Mali Empire'. The Songhay Empire replaced the Mali empire. The Mali empire fell down because of the death of their ruler and the dispute on whether who was to succeed it.

The Songhaye mpire replaced the Mali empire.

Further explanations:

The Mali Empire was among the most relevant kingdom of West Africa established by Sundiata Keita and is believed to have existed somewhat around 1200 CE. Though in the beginning the Kingdom started as a small faction but was soon able to expand its territories to the areas of the Niger River. The early history of the empire is not clearly stated but the empire was able to flourish itself through the trans- Saharan trade route during the 14th  century having trade with both national and international kingdoms.  

During 1460’s civil war broke in the kingdom because of the trade routes construction. It weakened the administration of the Kingdom and opened the door for the foreign invaders. The demise of the Mali Empire became the reason for the strengthening of the Songhai Empire. They captured the territories of the Mali Empire and established themselves as one of the largest empires of its era.

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Answer Details

Grade: High school

Subject: US History

Chapter: Mali Empire


Mali Empire, West Africa, Sundiata Keita, Niger River, trans- Saharan, trade route, national, international,kingdoms, foreign, invaders,

Songhai Empire,

What is the importance of Fort Mose?



Established in 1738, Fort Mose was the first free black settlement in what is now the United States.

St. Augustine, Florida, Fort Mose played an important role in the development of colonial North America.


Who the 15 president in US


Hi There! :)

James Buchanan was the 15 president in US.
james buchanan was the 15 president i the us
 hope i helped