b. Plautus.
Plautus was a very influential Roman playwright (died in 184 BC) who wrote comedies, all of which have survived through the ages. In his comedies, he often makes use of word play and puns. The latter are a resource he frequently employs in naming his characters, for example. The clever use of language earned him a solid reputation and his genius and wit has hardly ever been matched since his time.
independent clause
subordinate clause
It is true
Hope you figure it out!
where old coral reefs rose above the sea
A clause introduced by the relative adverb where has an adverbial function, in this case modifying the complement of the verb "are located" in the main sentence, which is a prepositional phrase working as an adverb: "in the north Pacific Ocean." Adverbs are by definition modifiers of verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.
Answer & Explanation:
Homonyms are two words that are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings. ... A simple example of a homonym is the word "pen." This can mean both "a holding area for animals" and "a writing instrument."
The correct answer is D. simile.
Let's go through all of these options together.
A) metaphor is incorrect because the comparison is expressed using the word 'as' which metaphors do not use to compare
B) personification is also incorrect because it is a figure of speech that gives human qualities to non-human entities, such as animals, nature, objects, etc. which is not the case here
C) is the correct answer here. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two or more things using words such as 'like' or 'as,' which is obviously the case here - her face lit up with pleasure as quickly as a light flashing on
B. Romanticism is a literary movement modeled on the works of ancient Greece and Rome.
C. Our literary heritage has been shaped by a number of literary movements, which are characterized by shared assumptions, beliefs, and practices.
D. Postmodernists are concerned with balancing perceived opposites such as love and hate, and innocence and knowledge.
C. Our literary heritage has been shaped by a number of literary movements, which are characterized by shared assumptions, beliefs, and practices.
Literary movements comprise of an approach to part writing into various classifications that share philosophical, topical, or tasteful highlights, instead of divisions by kind or period.
Scholarly developments give language to looking at and talking about artistic works.