During the time when humans moved from Africa throughout the world,a. birth and death rates were both fairly low.
b. population growth was rapid.
c. population growth was slow.
d. there was no population growth.


Answer 1
Answer: I believe it would be B, because if there wasn't a rapid population growth, there wouldn't be as many people as there are today. 

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Assuming that you ran the DNA sample on an agarose gel. And that you are performing gel electrophoresis. I would predict the sample of DNA moving away from the negative terminal or end and to the positive one. As it is being repelled due to its overall negative charge and thus attracted to the positive end. Both the magnitude of charge and size of DNA sample fragment act as factors and contribute to migration.

In which ways are RNA and DNA different?a. RNA has ribose sugar, DNA has deoxyribose sugar
b. RNA has uracil, DNA has thymine
c. RNA is single-stranded, DNA is a double-helix
d. all of the above



d. all of the above is the correct answer.


These are the main difference between RNA and DNA

  • Sugar present in RNA is ribose sugar whereas sugar present in DNA is deoxyribose sugar.
  • Nitrogenous bases present in DNA are adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine whereas in the case of RNA nitrogenous bases present are adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil which is replaced by thymine in DNA.
  • RNA is single-stranded whereas DNA is a double-helix.

thus the all the above(D) options are correct.

Final answer:

RNA and DNA differ in three major areas: the types of sugars they contain, the bases they use, and their structure. RNA contains ribose sugars and the base uracil, while being single-stranded. In contrast, DNA contains deoxyribose sugars, the base thymine, and has a double helical structure.


RNA and DNA, which can both be found in cells, have several significant differences. To answer your question, the correct choice would be (d) all of the above because:

  • RNA has ribose sugar, while DNA has deoxyribose sugar. The difference is that the deoxyribose sugar in DNA is missing one oxygen atom compared to the ribose sugar in RNA.
  • RNA contains the base uracil whereas DNA uses the base thymine. This change makes DNA more stable and less likely to mutate.
  • Finally, RNA is single-stranded and DNA is a double helix. The double-stranded DNA is more stable resulting in a reduction in damage and loss of genetic information.

Learn more about Difference between RNA and DNA here:



What is a single celled organism able to do?



The one cell of a unicellular organism must be able to perform all the functions necessary for life. These functions include metabolism, homeostasis and reproduction. Specifically, these single cells must transport materials, obtain and use energy, dispose of wastes, and continuously respond to their environment.

Reproductive isolation occurs when? A. a small number of individuals moves and starts a new population
B. some catastrophic event greatly reduces the size of a population
C. the gene pools of different populations have become very diversified
D. members of different populations can no longer mate successfully


I would say D. Members of different populations can no longer mate successfully. I hope I'm right and good luck :)
The answer is D: members of a different populations can no longer mate successfully

Or if they do reproduce their offspring will be sterile meaning their offspring won't be able to reproduce. An example would be a horse and a donkey mating. They usually produce sterile offspring.

Hopefully this helped and good luck.

Describe different biomes. What are some adaptations that organisms (plants or animals) must have to live in each biome?


-there is an aquatic biome where fish, whales, sharks, sea snakes, dolphin...etc have to live in water as their gills cannot breathe in oxygen air they need you can say oxygen water and they can filter the waste gasses.

- there is an desert biome you have animlas such as the Fennec fox, camels, lizards, armadillos, scorpions...etc they can live in the desert bc they can make their water stay in they're body's or even save water in they're bodys. some animals even have thick layer skin so that their moisture doesnt loss

- there is the forest biome where snakes, frogs, types of bugs, monkey, fox, birds, bats, even tigers....etc in a forest there is mostly everything you can find for animals of their needings such as rivers, rivers with fish in it, other animal preys, lots of greens for herbivores, shelter, huge tress for birds to live in, caves for bears or other animals to live in dirt for insects to dig in and make a home or even rabbits, alot of fresh air, the enviroment temperature can be cold or hot...etc

- same thing goes for tropical rain forests but tropical rain forests contain more moist and greens (tress, plants..etc) and in a tropical forest its never dry! in a tropical forest you can find animals similar to the regular forest except sloth, toucans, parrots, capybara, anacondas, howler monkeys..etc animals you can find in a regular forest.

- grasslands is where the whole area is coverd in grass, or wheat, or some plant plantation, here you can find horses, cows, sheep( in the more greener grasslands), ferrets, lions, cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, antelopes, you can find too. in grass lands you basically have animals who live with out shelter (or unless under a tree or cave sth) cuz basically animals in grass lands usually travel in pairs and sleep in pairs and eat in pairs cuz its much more safer. and you could find river streams or ponds.

i gave you four biome! and it took long to long to write XD

Final answer:

Biomes are distinct biological communities formed in response to a shared physical climate. They include aquatic, desert, forest, grassland, and tundra biomes, each with organisms that have specific adaptations for survival.


Biomes are distinct biological communities that have formed in response to a shared physical climate. They can be categorized into five major types: aquatic, desert, forest, grassland, and tundra.

  • Aquatic Biomes: Both phytoplankton and larger plants have adaptations allowing them to live in water, such as streamlined shapes for reduced water resistance in animals, or floatation mechanisms in plants.
  • Desert Biomes: Organisms in desert biomes, such as camels and cacti, have adaptations to handle extreme heat and scarcity of water. For instance, camels store fat in their humps and have specialized kidneys to reduce water loss. Cacti have deep root systems and store water in their stems.
  • Forest Biomes: Animals like squirrels adapt to this environment by using trees for shelter and food. Plants have adaptations like broad leaves to capture sunlight.
  • Grassland Biomes: Animals, such as bison, have adapted to handle wide temperature ranges, and some grassland plants have deep roots to survive fires and droughts.
  • Tundra Biomes: Organisms, like polar bears, have adaptations to handle cold temperatures, such as thick fur. Plants in these regions tend to be short with adaptations to withstand freezing and thawing processes.

In each biome, organisms have developed physical and behavioral adaptations over time to survive within these distinct ecosystems.

Learn more about Biomes here:



The subatomic particles that govern potential chemical reactions among elements are


The subatomic particles that govern potential chemical reaction among elements are electrons. Electron is a particle that contains negative charges. They are considered to be an elementary particle due to their lack of components nor structure. 

Answer: The subatomic particles/units that govern potential chemical reactions among elements are (electrons). Answer on Odyssey ware
