Which characteristics are not necessarily true of all living things


Answer 1
Answer: You said which, so there should be choices.

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c) increase in plant growth, because plants need carbon dioxide to survive

Describe how an enzyme’s structure affects its function




Final answer:

An enzyme's structure determines its function, stability, and activity.


An enzyme's structure directly affects its function. Enzymes are proteins made up of chains of amino acids. The specific sequence and arrangement of these amino acids determine the three-dimensional shape of the enzyme, which in turn determines its function. For example, the active site of an enzyme is a small pocket or crevice that allows the enzyme to bind to its substrate and carry out a specific chemical reaction.

The structural characteristics of an enzyme also affect its stability and activity. Changes in temperature, pH, or salinity can alter the shape of the enzyme, rendering it inactive or less efficient. Additionally, certain environmental factors may denature the enzyme, causing it to lose its shape and functionality permanently.

Learn more about enzyme structure and function here:



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they move across a synapse

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From smallest to largest the levels of ecosystem organization are:

The codon chart shown here uses the three base sequence found on the mrna molecule after the information is copied from dna during transcription. if the mrna message is aac uac ugc, what was the original dna base a. aac tac tgc
b. uug aug acg
c. ttg atg acg
d. asn tyr cys


the right answer is c. ttg atg acg

The genes carried by the DNA will be encoded in another form: messenger RNA, during a process called "transcription".

The information contained in the genes will be used to make thousands of proteins involved in the functioning of the cell. The first step in the expression of a gene is to copy its information in the form of a molecule very close to DNA, ribonucleic acid or RNA.

The main difference between DNA and RNA is the presence of an extra oxygen atom on each of the nucleotides of the RNA. This addition provides greater flexibility to the RNA, allowing it to fold on itself to form propellers. Due to its structural properties, RNA takes a wide variety of forms and ensures a variety of roles in the cell. DNA, on the other hand, is more static and stable, and its essential function is the storage of information in the form of a double-stranded helix. Another change: in RNA, thymine (T) is replaced by uracil (U).

In the transcrption of DNA, the strand of the RNA formed is complementary to that of the DNA:

* A is matched to the U

* T is matched to A

* C is paired with the G

* G is paired with C

The answer is C. TTG ATG ACG

Which biomes receive less than 100 cm of rain each year? Check all that apply. tropical rain forest temperate rain forest desert tundra grassland



Desert, Tundra, Grassland.


Which biomes receive less than 100 cm of rain each year? Check all that apply. tropical rain forest temperate rain forest desert tundra grassland

Desert, Tundra, Grassland are the right answers

Tundra receives Less than 25 cm rainfall/ year.  Average temperature is -12^(0)C

Desert receives less than 25 cm rain/ year. the average temperature is between   20-25 degrees C. in some desert, high temperature is experienced.

Grass receives 25-75cm of rain/year. The temperature 38 deg C to -40 deg C

Desert, Tundra, Grassland. 

Rain forests generally can receive between 80 and 400 inches of rain per year.
Deserts receive less than 25 cm, tundras receive 15 to 25 cm, and grasslands receive around 89 cm.