Which word best completes the sentence? Ten million dollars is definitely __________ of money for most of us. A. alot B. a lot


Answer 1
Answer: B. a lot"Alot" is a common error in English but there is no such word.
Answer 2
Answer: B. a lot ......Ten million dollars is definitely a lot of money for most of us. 
(There is no such word as 'alot'.)

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"The Literature of ancient Egypt is the product of a period of about four thousand years, and it was written in three kinds of writing, which are called hieroglyphic, hieratic, and demotic. In the first of these, the characters were pictures of objects; in the second, the forms of the characters were made as simple as possible so that they might be written quickly; and in the third, many of them lost their picture form altogether and became mere symbols. Egyptian writing was believed to have been invented by the god Tehuti, or Thoth, and as this god was thought to be a form of the mind and intellect, and have the wisdom of the God who created the heavens and the earth, the picture characters, or hieroglyphs as they are called, were held to be holy, or divine, or sacred. The materials used by the Egyptians for writing upon were very numerous, but the commonest were stone, wood, skin, and papyrus. The earliest writings were probably traced upon them using some type of fluid, coloured black or red, which served as ink.
When the Egyptians became acquainted with the use of the metals they began to cut their writings in stone. As time went on and men wanted to write long texts or inscriptions, they made great use of wood as a writing material. Sheepskin, or goatskin, was used as a writing material, but its use was never general; ancient Egyptian documents written on skin or, as we should say, on parchment, are very few. At a very early period the Egyptians learned how to make a sort of paper, which is now universally known by the name of "papyrus". When they made this discovery cannot be said, but the hieroglyphic inscriptions of early dynasties contain the pictures of a roll of papyrus, hence the antiquity of the use of papyrus must be great.
1. What is the difference between hieroglyph and hieratic writing?
A - Hieroglyph writing is easier to write than hieratic.
B - Hieratic writing uses very simple symbols.
C - Hieratic writing is easier to write than hieroglyph writing.
D - There are no differences between the two.


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "C - Hieratic writing is easier to write than hieroglyph writing. " the difference between hieroglyph and hieratic writing is that C - Hieratic writing is easier to write than hieroglyph writing. 

What is the stream of consciousness writing technique?A. The traditional plot and structure the author uses to keep the flow of ideas.
B. A work of literature that uses images of flowing rivers, streams, and lakes.
C. Is the non-traditional form of writing in which the reader gets to directly see a characters’ flow of thoughts.
D. It is the same as the third-person point of view


The correct answer is C. Stream of consciousness technique is really difficult to follow - because it directly follows the characters' flow of thoughts, the same way we think - we think of something, and in a manner of seconds transfer our thoughts onto something completely different, which may or may not be connected to our initial thought. This technique does this, only in writing.

Which kind of injury occurs most often in fireworks accidents?contusions
broken bones


Burns is the correct answer.

Answer: De answer you are lookin for is (b: burns

An activist is someone whopassionately believes in a cause
has no interest in supporting a cause
actively discriminates against others
makes a living from giving speeches


The correct answer is A. Passionately believes in a cause


The word "activist" refers to a person tht is part of an activist movement or a movement that aims at achieving some social change which is usually referred to as a cause. Additionally, this cause or social change activists pursue can be linked to multiple areas including environment, politics or economy and involve different strategies to support the cause they believe in such as strikes, marches, protests, pamphlets, among others. Moreover, in most cases, activists create organized actions to support the cause they follow and can even continue with actions despite the opposition from government or society as they strongly or passionately believe in the idea or change they are defending. Thus, an activist can be defined as someone who passionately believes in a cause.

An activist is someone who 'passionately believes in a cause'. It is a person who campaigns for some sort of change. 

In Canto XIX of the Inferno, Pope Nicholas III mistakes Dante for Pope Boniface VIII. What is most likely the author's purpose in this scene?A. To emphasize that Nicholas III should not be in Hell
B. To show the audience that he believed that Boniface deserved to be in Hell as well
C. To show the audience that even popes are human and capable of mistakes
D. To emphasize Dante's need to impress Virgil with his knowledge of sinners


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "B. To show the audience that he believed that Boniface deserved to be in Hell as well" In Canto XIX of the Inferno, Pope Nicholas III mistakes Dante for Pope Boniface VIII. Most likely the author's purpose in this scene is to show the audience that he believed that Boniface deserved to be in Hell as well

When Pope Nicholas is upside down in the third pit, he makes a mistake thinking that Dante is Pope Boniface VIII. After he understands his mistake, Nicholas says that Boniface also has to be in Hell, as well. Although Nicholas was known for his high moral standards and care for the poor, according to himself he was guilty of appointing new cardinals to the power among his own relatives.

Read the sentence. This apartment is quite roomy; besides, the price is right. Which is the conjunctive adverb? A. besides B. roomy C. is right D. is



A. besides


A conjunctive adverb is an adverb which joins two clauses. It can be used in the sentence to draw contrast or cause and effect relationships. They behave much like coordination conjunction. They join two independent clauses in a sentence. In the above sentence, the word 'besides' is the conjunctive adverb. The two independent clauses which are 'this apartment is quite roomy' and 'the price is right' are joined together by the conjunctive adverb 'besides.'

Besides is the conjunctive adverb