The nucleus of a radium-226 atom is unstable, which causes the nucleus to spontaneously(1) absorb electrons (3) decay
(2) absorb protons (4) oxidize


Answer 1

Answer: The nucleus of radium-226 is unstable and hence undergoes decay.

Explanation: Radium has many isotopes. One of them is _(88)^(226)\textrm{Ra} which has 88 protons and 138 neutrons. It is a radioactive isotope and undergoes decay process.

This isotope undergoes alpha - decay and produces Radon-222 isotope.

Equation for alpha - decay follows:

_(88)^(226)\textrm{Ra}\rightarrow _(86)^(222)\textrm{Rn}+_2^4\alpha

Hence, the nucleus of radium-226 undergoes decay process.

Answer 2
Answer: The answer is (3) decay. An atom whose nucleus is unstable is said to be "radioactive," and its nucleus undergoes nuclear decay.

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BThe nonpolar substance has a lower boiling point than the polar substance.
C Both substances have similar volatilities.
DBoth substances have similar solubilities.



  • The correct option is B. The nonpolar substance has a lower boiling point than the polar substance.


  • Substances with hydrogen bonding, an intermolecular force, will have much higher  boiling points than those that have ordinary dipole-dipole intramolecular forces. Non-polar molecules have lower boiling points, because they are held together by the weak van der Waals forces.


  • However, if size of non polar increases, then its boiling point increases due to increases in van der walls forces with large size.
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Colligative properties are those properties of solution that depend on the concentraion of the solute.

Increase of boling point and depression of freezing point are two of those colligative properties.

Regarding the boiling point, as some impurities (in this case the solute calcium chloride) are present in the solvent (water) ,at the same temperature, less molecules of water will reach the surface to escape, at a given temperature. Hence, you have to increase the temperature to manage that the number of molecules and their speed increase and so all the molecules can escape fro, the liquid phase to form the gas. So, the boiling point of the water with the salt in it will be higher than the boiling point of pure water.

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