Metaevent is to large-scale occurrence as celebration is to ____festivity


Answer 1
Answer: Meta event is to large-scale occurrence as the celebration is to Festivity. 

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1 "On kin of Cain was the killing avenged

by sovran God for slaughtered Abel."

2 from sight of men. Of Cain awoke all that woful breed,

"On kin of Cain was the killing avenged
by sovran God for slaughtered Abel."

This, of course, refers to Cain and Abel from the Bible. According to the Bible, they were two sons of Adam and Eve. Cain killed his own brother, Abel, and thus further cursed the mankind.

Use each pair of the vocabulary words in a single sentence legacy and eaves



Bob stated that the eaves that he sells are known for their legacy of being the best eaves in the world.

Hope this helps! :)
Have a lovely day! <3

Choose the correct vocabulary word for the blank in the following sentence. 4. When someone hurts you, the desire for _____ is strong. A: immolation B: retribution C: gesticulation D:connotation





When we are hurt by someone, we instinctively have a sense of retribution, that is, do the same for that person. However, this is not a noble feeling, this is sustained by the emotion of the moment.

The best way to resolve a grievance is to dialogue with the person. You can question the attitude of those people and explain how it hurt you. Maybe that person can apologize and change his attitude. If she or he persists hurting you, you must walk away because that person is not worth it.

When someone hurts you, the desire for retribution is strong. 

Retribution means punishment or revenge. 

When delivering a presentation via a computer or video recording, pay attention to _____.posture

eye contact

appropriate volume

the length of the slide text


eye contact and appropriate voulme [be loud so people can really hear what your saying]

hope that helped if you have any further questions please ask ;-]

Just a wild guess...eye contact and poster