From what i remember, it was Mount Sinai.
A while ago, this was on a test and this was right.
No bail is allowed
Unruly act
Status offense
Delinquent act
State Offense applies to both of them
B. Changes weather patterns in the area.
C. Deposits fertile soil after floods.
D. Carries pollution away from the fields.
I believe that the answer is B, but I would like someone to help. Please and thank you.
The correct answer is: Option C. Deposits fertile soil after floods.
The Huang He River (also called the "Yellow River") is known for the frequent floods it causes.
The river has been known a source of life for the fertile soil it leaves after the floods - and the potential the wash-away represents for future crops -, but it has been also seen a fountain of death, as it has swallowed entire villages and destroyed the livelihoods of millions of people.
C. Deposits fertile soil after floods.