Is a tall tree or a short metal fence more likely to get hit by lihting


Answer 1
Answer: A Tall tree since the tree is higher up and the lighting would strike there first.
Answer 2
Answer: Im guessing that a tree would be more likely to get hit then a metal fence would because lightning strikes at the first thing thats near and and is higher making the tree more likely to get hit.

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The statement is true. Ship routes that were called Triangular Trade were three-legged journeys that traveled between different countries.


Triangular trade was a commercial route established in the Atlantic Ocean from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, and therefore can be considered a long-standing historical phenomenon. It involved three continents and its route formed a kind of triangle between Europe, Africa and America.  

The objective of this route was to capture slaves in Africa, transfer them to America to work in mines and plantations, export raw materials produced with slave labor in America to Europe, produce products manufactured in Europe, and exchange those products by slaves in Africa, repeating the cycle.

the answer is true. the reason is because the us traded with Britain, Britain to Africa, and Africa to the us.

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Founding of the New York Colony
When was the colony of New York founded? The New York Colony was founded in 1626 by the Duke of York and other colonists on Manhattan Island.

The Naming of the New York Colony
Named after the Duke of York and Albany, the brother of King Charles II of England.

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Navigation Acts, in English history, name given to certain parliamentary legislation, more properly called the British Acts of Trade. The acts were an outgrowth ofmercantilism, and followed principles laid down by Tudor and early Stuart trade regulations. They had as their purpose the expansion of the English carrying trade, the provision from the colonies of materials England could not produce, and the establishment of colonial markets for English manufactures. The rise of the Dutch carrying trade, which threatened to drive English shipping from the seas, was the immediate cause for the Navigation Act of 1651, and it in turn was a major cause of the First Dutch War. It forbade the importation of plantation commodities of Asia, Africa, and America except in ships owned by Englishmen. European goods could be brought into England and English possessions only in ships belonging to Englishmen, to people of the country where the cargo was produced, or to people of the country receiving first shipment. This piece of Commonwealth legislation was substantially reenacted in the First Navigation Act of 1660 (confirmed 1661). The First Act enumerated such colonial articles as sugar, tobacco, cotton, and indigo; these were to be supplied only to England. This act was expanded and altered by the succeeding Navigation Acts of 1662, 1663, 1670, 1673, and by the Act to Prevent Frauds and Abuses of 1696. In the act of 1663 the important staple principle required that all foreign goods be shipped to the American colonies through English ports. In return for restrictions on manufacturing and the regulation of trade, colonial commodities were often given a monopoly of the English market and preferential tariff treatment. Thus Americans benefited when tobacco cultivation was made illegal within England, and British West Indian planters were aided by high duties on French sugar. But resentments developed. The Molasses Act of 1733, which raised duties on French West Indian sugar, angered Americans by forcing them to buy the more expensive British West Indian sugar. Extensive smuggling resulted. American historians disagree on whether or not the advantages of the acts outweighed the disadvantages from a colonial point of view. It is clear, however, that the acts hindered the development of manufacturing in the colonies and were a focus of the agitation preceding the American Revolution. Vigorous attempts to prevent smuggling in the American colonies after 1765 led to arbitrary seizures of ships and aroused hostility. The legislation had an unfavorable effect on the Channel Islands, Scotland (before the Act of Union of 1707), and especially Ireland, by excluding them from a preferential position within the system. Shaken by the American Revolution, the system, along with mercantilism, fell into decline. The acts were finally repealed in 1849.

What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?


The Vice President of the USA, since January 2009,
is Joseph R. Biden of Connecticut.
Joe Biden is our current vice pres.

I need all 7 of these. But you don't have to answer all of them at the same time


1.The Civil War Emancipation will append a bit more by analyzing Lincoln's first inaugural as it pertains to slavery.Slavery is the major subject in Lincoln's inaugural speech because at the heart of his address was the sectional crisis